SmokerJoe's Indoor Organic Soil Bagseed Grow

No balcony no fire escape either. Since it is just soil I may just empty the bags into a lake or something. Is that illegal? Would it be polluting since its organic soil
Hey Joe whats up. I have a question for you. Have you ever topped a plant this early? I have so many baby plants I'm just messing around with them. It seems like a sin to be doing this cause i can be killing potential female plants and lots of buds.

I have never topped that early. I usually dont top until node 5 or 6 height depending.
For soil that's been used for the season I would do the same thing indoors that I do outdoors - grow some cover crop in it like clovers or beans, in case of beans harvest them and mix the remnants into the soil, add amendments and let sit over the winter except indoors I would just let it sit for a couple months or more in a compost bin - i always just used garden lime but since coming here my amendments look like Food grade calcium, Dr Love Soft Rock Phosphate, Gypsum, Azomite, and tea made with worm castings, etc. Just need to rotate crops a little and replenish soil I think.
I may head out at night and put it at the base of trees. How do you think the trees would react to the soil?
Here are the seeds from the 1 plant. Most unviable i.e cracked or tan seeds were thrown away. I would say there are easily over 300 seeds which is more then enough. I will store and use them for up to 2 years.
I may head out at night and put it at the base of trees. How do you think the trees would react to the soil?
That works, just don't let it come in contact with the base of the tree. Soil or mulch touching the base of a tree will cause it to rot. I always cringe when I see landscapers piling up mulch at the trunks of the trees.
Put it in sock! As you walk let it fall out your pant legg. Shawshank redemtion style! Lol

haha what. Then people will thing im walking around with a load of poopie in my boxers and then they can see me shake it out as i go. Thats hillarious
Hey SmokerJoe I dont know if you have gotten rid of your used organic soil yet. I have been using mine well over a year, before starting my journal. Is there particular reasons you do not reammend it for more use?
Besides my current grow going I only just mixed in stuff and didnt let it "cook".This current cooked mix is growing my clones better with less liquid nutrients used compared to my old way of adding the dry ammendmants at transplant time only.
Its just a thought maybe you could get a plastic bin or garbage can to store it in,since bags rip and leak, to cook for a future grow if there is room,then you wouldnt have to find a place to get rid of it or carry in $new bags of mix.
Yes I had a bug infestation and dont want to transfer any eggs to a new grow. Some of my soil has a lot of nutrient in it and others have been flushed. The main reason is the bug infestation that and jorge cervantes said not to reuse soil unless you put it in the oven and I just dont got time to be baking trays of soil all day
yeah I microwave my soil even out of the bag because of fruit flies. I would think a good mix would be 1/2 your old soil and 1/2 peat moss or new potting mix that way you would have the roots in there as food and colony starter for the new plants. only use the healthiest plants for the 1/2 old soil
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