SmokerJoe's Indoor Organic Soil Bagseed Grow

Week 3 pictures

t leaves that got brown spots are because they were touching the soil when they were first growing but they are all still alive so i havent taken them off yet even though they arent aesthetically pleasing
Hmm guess not to many people come here on the weekends. Lame
Thank you. The ph of that water really fucked things up for me but they are recovering nicely.
Yep. We are in the process of making a screen well rather about 6 small screens just to test this out. Since im training each plant differently I dont think i will implement them this crop though. So what can I use to stick the anti detection mylar to the wall without using something permanent or that will take the paint off the wall once i remove it? Also which prepaid card will work to internationally buy the seeds so I can ship to a address that isnt mine with no hassle? Any suggestions please
So the lights just came on about 2 hours ago. I took the time to do some tieing down with a combination of yarn and metal wire. I noticed when I watered a silverish white little bug . I could see it with my naked eye as it was scurrying about and went back under the soil as the water settled the dirt. Backing my vision up a bit I saw another then 2 more and all in all it was a cluster of 5 or 6. I went to grab the gognats neem oil to spray them but they already had gone under. They didnt fly and so I dont know if they were female whiteflys or what but i sprayed the soil in all of the pots but the youngest ones. What do you think they could be? I used to know a good majority of the pest problems but I haven't had to deal with pests for so long I forgot a lot of them. They moved with speed for such a small bug so I dont think they were thrips as those usually are on the leaves. I dont believe spider mites burrow. Anyways thats all I have for now. I will spray the soil every day with neem oil for about a week and see if that helps. Do some of these soil bags have bugs in them when you buy them?
money cards work,
i used one from that store that has the greeters
not the gift cards but the ones you can keep open by reloading
it takes a few days to get the permanent card ,they give you a temp right off
it doesn't work overseas til you get the perm
they charge 3 dollars a month to keep the account open
looks and acts just like a visa

hope that helps and keep up the good work
Are you talking about greendot? I was really hoping for a card that i didnt have to attach my name to.
Im in the process of making something special for my plants right now. You will see them in the next pictures which I post every Saturday or Sunday. The plants will be a month old Saturday and they are taking off nicely. Been cutting out the undergrowth that wont make it to the top or will take to much energy to do so.

Introducing the handmade individual screen. Total cost 2.00/plant screen
Thanks b.real hope you like it. I put a lot of work into it and im about to step my game up even more very shortly. I love this hobby so much. I think I like growing even more then smoking.
Just got back from home depot. Now im ready to hang the anti detection mylar and I have a new surge protector. Its gonna be great. Got to get started right away so most of these changhes can be seen this picture cycle. I will be sure to take great pics. I also picked up a nute meter(forgot the official name tds or something) I also got predatory nematodes to fuck up those bugs i saw earlier(get the fuck out of my plan ts now! or pay the electric bill at least gosh)
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