Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Small 1st Grow Already In Progress Using LEDs To Flower & T-5s For Veg

Why thank you my dear friend :thankyou::thankyou::thankyou:. Now, I can finally get my face cleaned up and reveal my true colors unless the LED still conceals me :rofl: Damn. What am I to do with all this floor hash then? :idea: :joint::passitleft:
Obviously you can partake, which I can only say, "Lucky you":thumb: Unfortunately because of the field I work in I will not be allowed to partake until either the Union stops drug testing for it, I retire, or I am able to find work in a different field. At this juncture
in time it looks like retirement, so I have almost 7 years to stockpile bud for my retirement party. even if I get crappy yields I am thinking I will be smoking the biggest fatty you ever saw come retirement :cheertwo:

I can't partake for the same drug testing reason, but sneak it in every once and a while....I have a few years before retirement, but as for a different job...I believe that McDonalds is always looking for fry cooks....great place to kills the munches too....:thumb:
Ok so I promised I would get a yield for everyone and I have it. I ended up with a total weight of 368 grams for a total of 12.9808 oz.
I have 3 branches, one of each strain that was unwashed and not counted in the weigh in since I want them completely separate. In a couple of months once they are completely cured, I will be doing the taste test and letting everyone know the results. Till then, here is a picture of the flower tent on day 1 of grow #2. Sorry for such crappy pictures, but I am extremely busy at the moment and was not even sure if I would be able to post an update today.
I did manage to get the SCROG restrung but not quiet sure if I will be using it on this grow.

Here is a shot of some of the bud drying in the veg tent since I needed more space in the flower tent. It is all chopped up and in jars now.

Man can I not wait to see something like this from my own grow. I thought I was impatient while they were seedlings, but it gets worse every day. Smoking my own product is gonna be epic, from my point of view.
13 zips from your first grow! Not a bad pull!
I hope all is well in your end of the state. :high-five:
Man can I not wait to see something like this from my own grow. I thought I was impatient while they were seedlings, but it gets worse every day. Smoking my own product is gonna be epic, from my point of view.

RTH it will be a feeling that you will love, knowing exactly how it came to be is great enough but to know it was you who did it just makes it that much better:circle-of-love:

Your update is great OG don't you worry. I love to see the success you had and the jungle adventure that is beginning!

RTK you are going to be over the moon smoking your own. It is a feeling that can't be topped. ( but it can be fimmed) sorry dumb joke lol.

Love you guys, we band of growers, we happy few!

The 1st one was an adventure the next one will be more of a three stooges comedy :laughtwo:

We truly are blessed to grow our own :Love:

13 zips from your first grow! Not a bad pull!
I hope all is well in your end of the state. :high-five:

The Mango did me no favors as far as yield is concerned, it produced about 1/2 of what each of the other plants produced. I only hope what it lacks in yield it makes up for in taste and buzz.

Other then wet and chilly, our end is surviving though I see on the forecast your end of the state is about to take a beating with more rain headed your way. Hope you stay warm , dry and safe. This year has been a wet one that is for sure. I am hoping some of it stays with us in the mountains as snow so we do not have another dry summer/fall like we did last year.:hugs:

I am jealous OG. I want to kill my plants so bad I can hardly stand it. :)

All we need to do is get the Feds to make it legal and this would be a non-issue, you would have plenty to smoke. Remember the advice we give to everyone else, lead by example my friend "Patience" :Namaste:
And if that doesn't work, just chop a few colas to get you by.:rofl:

Haha rifleman that one gave me a tickle.
Me too :laughtwo:

I've been LSTing myself for years, despite life's tendency to try to throw in some random HST.

Now Shiggity, This is how you do the play on words game :cheesygrinsmiley::cheesygrinsmiley::rofl:

Sorry about no update yesterday and most likely not one for the next few days, but I spent all day with my brother making Rick Simpson Oil. Since I had never done it before I had to research it some, I wanted to be made exactly the same way or as close to it, with as close to the same ingredients as what he used for his oil. My brother has made it before but he did not use the exact method or ingredients as what RS used, and I believe that could be part of the reason he is not having as good of results as he could be having. Surprisingly it was a bit of a pain to track down all of the right ingredients but I eventually located everything needed except the coffee warmer, but fortunately Rick Simspon did have an alternative method to complete the last step. We did 2 washes of the buds but only will be using the 1st wash since RS claims that the 1st wash is the best of the washes as far as quality of medication. The 2nd wash my brother will be taking himself and we will be giving his wife the better of the 2 oils. When we strained the 1st wash and compared it to the 2nd wash it was quiet obvious that the 2nd was not the same as the 1st. RS describes the color of the solvent as the color of gasoline and what we got on the 1st looked exactly like gasoline. The 2nd wash had a much greener colorization which both my brother and I believe to be chlorophyll from the bud. Also RS describes that ones the oil has been cooked down, you should be able to smear a small amount on a piece parchment paper and when looking through it into the light it should have an amber color. The 1st wash had an amber color while the 2nd wash has a more greenish color to it when looking through it. My brother also tasted the 1st wash and commented that it tasted considerably better then the oil he originally made. One of the difficulties he was having getting his wife to take the medication was because she has been complaining about the taste. Hopefully now she will be more receptive to taking her medication and he will be able to up her dosages sooner.
We were able to get 34 ml of 1st wash oil from the 400 grams of Blueberry Kush. RS suggests a dosage of 60ml of high grade medicine, so we will need to make another batch but this should get her started on the right path. We are also planning on using the established 420 regiment of medicine my brother learned about from our 420 brother Cayjunceltic.
My brother was told by their doctor last week that his wife has from 3 weeks to 3 months to live. So it is critical at this point that she will be willing to take her medication. I have talked with my brother, and we both agree that he will be upping her dosage every day so long as she can tolerate it.
I know many of the members on the 420 site are dealing with the same or worse conditions then what I am dealing with, and this past week has really opened my eyes to how difficult it is on a person. I am so grateful to be a part of this community and hopefully can be a contributing part of its success.
I love you all :circle-of-love:
It is times like this when I wish I was a religious man, just so I could put your family in my prayers. Unfortunately, I am not. Nevertheless, my best vibes are heading north to you and yours. Best wishes this holiday season under the most difficult of circumstances. May :peace: be with you.

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