Right so everything finish hang drying.
The buds in the paper bag cure from the early harvested Lemon Amnesia are starting to smell better but still smell like hay. The ones in the jar smell much nicer from being burped. The whole plant started to shrivel up but I still got around 65g. I weighed 60g and smoked an 8g test bud that wasn't properly dry.
The hung dry plant all still smell real nice got final manicure and weighed and put into jars for cure
Final Dry Bud Weights
Total 302g and shitload of trim and stem to make oil with
PLANT 1 Money Maker 80g under HPS
PLANT 2 Money Maker 65g under HPS & perfectsun mini
PLANT 3 Lemon Amnesia 92g under HPS
PLANT 4 Lemon Amnesia 65g under HPS & perfectsun mini
Critical Look back...
Wilma Res system is shit... no way to fully drain all the water without removing plants and picking up a 70 litre tank to tip into bath. Obviously with scrog that was impossible.
Should of stopped defoiling at wk 3 of flower not 5, but the humidity was insane - first time scrog.
Roots werent impressive compared to previous grows with diff set up but I guessed that by bud development.
Should of used fabric pots.
Dont listen to dude in grow shop - what he tells u to use will give ur plants nute burn...
PPM meter already bought for next grow.
Still got almost half a years supply of smoke though
Also really not sure about the Perfect Sun Mini... you would expect the LED n HPS plants to out weigh the just hps but i feel like something stunted the front two after week 5 ish of flower could be defoil - could be the led... those buds were massive compared to back ones and then just stopped growing...