Skywalker fem'd how does it look?

Re: skywalker fem'ed how doesb it look?

It looks like a hydro setup but you posted in the Indoor Soil Cultivation forum. Am I missing something?

Other than that, looking good for CFLs. But 2x 220-watt is 10 watts more than a 430-watt HPS. I assume you went the CFL route either for the difference in price from a $200-300 HPS setup or because of heat issues. How much did those two bulbs cost? And how much heat do they output? I would assume less than a 430-watt HPS but more than the 26- to 42-watt CFLs you can get at WalMart. Also, how many lumens do you get (for the pair)? Do they put out anywhere near the 53,000 lumens that the 430-watt HPS does? A friend of a friend might be looking for options for the late summer.

Oh, and how well do they penetrate? It looked kind of dark midway into your canopy in some of your pictures but that might just be because the camera is compensating for the two lights that are shining brightly.

Have you thought about making a couple of reflectors for them out of aluminum cans? Some of them are tall enough that they might cover the bulb. I have seen pictures of such things and they seemed to really help but I've wondered if instead of just opening the cans up if someone were to instead make it a double curve (like a very slight "m" shape) centered over the bulb would it be better as the middle "crease" being directly over the bulb would cause the light from the top of the bulb not to reflect directly back into the bulb but rather more outwards where it could hit the plants. Just thinking and typing, I don't know if that would be enough better than the simple opened-up soda can to be worth it. But then again it wouldn't really cost anything so.
Re: skywalker fem'ed how doesb it look?

oops, I hadn't notice I posted in the wrong section.

the bubls are 14k lumens each, 28k together, its more of a heat issue I choose CFL's, as limited of space, I will need a lot more work on the setup to compensate the heat from a HPS bulb. the reason I havent got the reflector on due to the same reason, the reflectors are too big when I fit them, so it blacks out most of the airflow below itself, heat builds up even with CFLs, but without the reflectors, airflow is good so I can drop the lights to half an inch away from the tops with no problem at all, I placed my hand directly under the lights, barely feels warm, temp in there is around 76f to 78f.

the lights are moved up to 2 sides when I take the pics, but still make the camera go funny, looks different from camera in different angles, but when you just look down on them its very bright. all areas covered :)

I dont want to cut the reflector smaller, because I will have a full room to work on after this grow is finished :) so I will biuld a very big box, big enough to take 2 x 10 gals if I can pick up a bucket that size, run a 500l/ph pump with 3 channels each, 4 plants each bucket, lowryder 2 in one bucket and few mixes in the other bucket 1 or 2 plants, veg them till I can take good numbers of clones, probably when the LR2 are done, then roots all the clones and flower them. I make different tops for the buckets to flower the clones line up nicely :)

they seems to be happy enough without the reflectors so I havent really though about making a smaller one.

oh I missed a pic


looks like some are started to build up the weight already :)

thanks for the inputs guys
Re: skywalker fem'ed how doesb it look?

oops, I hadn't notice I posted in the wrong section.

I wasn't b*tch*ng, just thought I might have been missing something in your grow description lol. No worries.

the bubls are 14k lumens each, 28k together

Respectable for a couple of CFLs. Still only about 1/2 what you'd be getting from a good 430-watt HPS but taken in their own right, a whole lot better than I expected. Cool.

the reason I havent got the reflector on due to the same reason, the reflectors are too big when I fit them, so it blacks out most of the airflow below itself, heat builds up even with CFLs, but without the reflectors, airflow is good so I can drop the lights to half an inch away from the tops with no problem at all, I placed my hand directly under the lights, barely feels warm, temp in there is around 76f to 78f.

Oh. What kind of reflectors did they come with, a traditional grow-light hood with hammered specular aluminum reflector, or what? And in any case, what does something like that cost?

I dont want to cut the reflector smaller, because I will have a full room to work on after this grow is finished :) so I will biuld a very big box, big enough to take 2 x 10 gals if I can pick up a bucket that size

I don't know about a bucket, but think "Rubbermaid tote"and it might open up a world of possibilities.

they seems to be happy enough without the reflectors so I havent really though about making a smaller one.

Well, anything you can do to help your girls will ultimately be helping you. Might want to see what you can rig up a few "tallboy" beer cans or something. You can always drill a few holes in the top of them to help with passive cooling. If it doesn't work out, you're only out a few dollars. And that's if you just buy the six-pack for the cans and pour out the beer. From looking at the mylar(?) that you've hung up I'd assume you've got some on the ceiling too but CFLs do tend to lose a lot over even short distances so it would almost have to help (depending on whether or not you notice any additional heat at the canopy).

Oh and thanks for the thread, these things are always interesting to read!
Re: skywalker fem'ed how doesb it look?

I tried a few things already to reflect the light from right above the bulbs but it does raise the heat to 82f, so I just do without them for now,yea I did also covered the ceiling wuth mylars, not that it does much but i did it anyway :) I wish i had built a bigger box :) the bulb and reflector fixture are around 160 dollars for the set, the reflector fixtures are about 1.5ft wide each rectangle, so it really blocks out the air as the width of the box is just a inch or 2 wider.and the plants are taken the full width almost :)

but all these are learning process for me :)

I think the next setup be much better :)
Re: skywalker fem'ed how doesb it look?

little update, not much of a smoke report as they are still flowering, but I did have some smaller ones that 80% pistil changed color and withdrawing back to the pots last week so I just cut them off since they so little compare to the rest. an early taste.

they were fully dired, a bit crispy feel, grid out very well, and the smell is strong and fresh fruity smell. very very smooth when somked and a bit fruity taste in it, the buzz dont last very long, but it is definately there, felt that through my body, can't wait for the fully matured buds
WOW love to see the end result. I love the CFLs , i am a fan of using them too. Have you checked out Boss mans poor man grow? Its done purely with cfls too.
The biggest CFL I have found n have is a 300w replacement and only uses 75w or power. I cant find any lumens rating on it anywherre though... :( ill post somthing up about it when i do. She fits into a normal size socket and didnt cost nothing at all.
Best of all I didnt order her, lows carries them. And lots of others too!!!!
I'm going to do a good few lowryder 2 feminized as well while I build a bigger box :)

thinking of building a 7'h x 8'w x 8'd and use 3 200w 6400k for seedling and vegging, 3 220w 2700k for flowering, with reflector fixture, mount right in the middle of the box so I can walk around the girls :) I'm thinking of using 2 x 10 gals bucket, about 3' tall leaving 4' vertical space, I be using a screen again :) hopefully I fit 5 plants in each bucket :) its about 2.5' diameter. but the screen be 3' x 3' over it. I'll post some pics of the setup when I get to have it built :)

for now I share some buds of today :)

here's 8 of the remaining tops, there's 30 altogether :)








update on the girls

leaves are yellowing on them, the trichs are very cloudy on every one of them too, would it be close to flushing time now? I have nutes made up for one more top up tomorrow. I'm not actually going to flush it, I'm thinking of topping up with mossales and water only, as there still be nutes in the bucket, its 5 gals bucket but holds 4 gals without soaking the rockwool when I first started and I kept the water this way all the time.


P.S. they been cloudy since around the 26th 27th actually
ALL are cloudy? You might be about to hit the stage where the actives start degrading.

Have any started to color?
I hope they are not degrading, the trichs are all cloudy on the buds, and leaves surrounding them, but none of them turn amber yet.
Ide harvest once you get about 50/50 with cloudy and amber. Gives a great stone and good smoke. Some like a early harvest so its more of a keefy smoke instead of a couchlocking stone. lol do what you want, they look great n should turn out very nicely. props DeaconFrost
I wait for 50/50 so, I like the couchlock :p will be be much longer for 50/50? just dont want to stop the nutes too early.


P.S. Just checked on them again, a couple tops started to have a few amber this evening :) one feed just now, and plain water with molasses from there on till 50/50 amber :)

while I was checking them, I spot this one bud under the top very big, I've never seen one so big, its like the size of a seed in the lemon. well I havent seen many big buds, but I was amazed when I saw this one :)

yep sound like a good plan to me. I get too couch locked sometimes so like dont really prefer it but im not going to complain just sit back n reeelaaaaaax....
they mature just around the time qouted so, it says 8 - 9 weeks, today is exactly 7 weeks 12/12, they seems a little faster than expected :)
7 weeks and 5 days today, amber trichs are still around te same, not much of them, still very cloudy all over, but not getting anymore amber yet, still seems to be swelling maybe one more week.
ok took a pic of one of the tops, this one right under the big 220w cfl for size comparison, it still hasnt got many red pistil and trichs hardly turning amber yet, and I just notice it got bigger again over the last couple of days, how big can they really get and how much longer is this girl going to keep going, doesn't looks like she wants to finish producing buds yet still.

but on another top, theres 10% amber, and it is the one and only top that has 10%


theres a couple of more inchs of that top below but cant see in pic, it started to swell from lower like the rest, all the ones under and near to the lights are big and long, leaves yellowing like that but not many red pistil n hardly amber trichs. few at the outer edge have 50/50 redish pistil, 5% amber.
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