Skywalker Bag Seed

Finished light new set up....
with the 6 bulbs at the moment:
7000 lumens
2 5000k
3 2700k
and the last i dont remember :(

so atm i dont have a phone (i smashed the screen) so i cant take pictures...

anyway ive noticed a fly in the room so i put a layer of de over the soil of all 6 cups... im wondering about how i should water when i need to with this layer over top... we will see
whats up... i put a bottle of water with an airstone in the closet to see if it will bring up humidity.. its been running at 40-53% with 80-91 degrees... im going to water them tomorrow which will be day 11... just plain phd tap water that been out since yesterday waiting...

when should i give them their first feed?

ive noticed 3 of the plants are slow to stretch it seems so compact..not even taller than the solo cup rim. i wonder what thats about...

anyone have a clue about watering when there is a layer of de on top?

thanks happy growing!
Some say to wait for the 3rd set of true leaves to give them a 1/4 dose of nutes but you should be able to tell by the cotyledon leaves I waited until they were brown and shriveled to feed them nutes I gave them a 1/2 dose of what is recommended for seedlings then gradually increased it. I gave them nutes at every other watering and I increased the nutes after two feedings but you will start to know when to increase your nutes by what your plants look like after awhile.

Sent from my HTC Desire 510 using 420
Watch the new growth and if the tips are brown cut the nutes back a bit if they look happy carry on, or if the bottom leaves start to yellow slightly increase the nutes

Sent from my HTC Desire 510 using 420
Yup yellowing cotyledon is the sign that the stored nutrition in the seed is about to run out. And I like to feed water and water until I get about 1/3 of what I put in as run off so if I give a plant a cup of water I want to see about 1/3 cup run out the bottom before I stop watering.

Sent from my HTC Desire 510 using 420
i feel like they are growing so slow but i guess thats because i keep watching them lol... a watched pot never boils...

ive also noticed another bug... im pretty sure its a gnat... how do i mix the triple action neem oil stuff... does it have to be with phd water? since i watered yesterday the soil is still moist. so do i do a light spray.. ugh i dont wanna fuck these up!
is it normal to see the cotyledon leaves yellowing already?
No, it's not normal. You're on the verge of over watering or too much love. The little roots need oxygen to survive and by not letting the mix dry out before each watering will stunt them. You have to let that tap root search for water, otherwise the roots stay in one spot because why leave the water source up top. You need big roots for big buds. I did the same thing in the beginning, now when they pop the surface I don't touch them for at least 5 days before watering, then another 5-7 days. No nutes, no nothing until they are past the seedling stage. Over watering is when you water today, tomorrow, next day, etc. When you water and pour in extra for run off, that's not over watering, it's more clearing out any salts. Be sure to tip them on the side and drain out the waste before putting them back. I don't leave mine on trays. I make sure they are done dripping.
The direction the fan is blowing the heat, you could cut an opening for the hot air to escape. You don't need to cut the whole side off.

Edit: I do like your tray setup, though.
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