Skunk #1 Auto

I've been going through your journals man I really like you'r style of growing and the way you do thing's definitely gonna watch this one I really enjoyed thew bid tribute grow the bd and purps came out awesome and way potchimp I'm subbed man
This bad :(


I have the room for now so I'll not cull them but if I need the room they have to go and if they don't recover in a reasonable amount of time they have to go too.
The next 5 seedlings came up fast:


These will be the 5 plants for my new grow and I'll add the others later if they live :)
Post more pics soon.
I had 1 plant like that one you showed and I took it out, flushed the roots completely of soil and repotted it. I also trimmed the shit out of her and she did come back. Just a thought before you totally throw the towel in on her
lil girls like that should not have any nutes to speak of. at this stage, i use one capfull of fox farms kangaroots. 3 drops of superthrive. and perhaps 1/2 tsp, of veg fert. when they get some more sets of leaves, they will have enough roots, to deal with more stress. you can flush these, with just ph'ed water. it may save them. sorry it happened. i cooked one seeling under a light. darn it. one one i had, of heavyweight dream machiene, too. getting ready to transplant six plastic cup plants. ice and dyna fem ww. the ice is way more vigorous. three times the size.
Oh no these ones won't get fed for close to 2 weeks. I fed the first plants for the first time at the 3 week 1 day mark. They'd be good right now except for the rotten nutes. I won't get any more than a quart of true organic nutrients at a time any more. That's the second time it's happened for me. Here's an almost finished plant from another grow of mine that got it from those bad nutes too:


Glad it was a bigger plant and could take it.

If you get the right Ice phenotype you're gonna like it, by the way :)
nutes were bad? sounds like ohbama. blame everone else. dont take responsibility. nutes bad? does this mean if you gave em too much nutes, it was the nutes fault? lol. responsibility. learn to accept it, or it will be bad water, bad air, bad timer, bad ph. but never bad HEARING. but, you can allways blame it on bush, right? lol. why not? the last one, is a defalult program, for our recently thrown out liberal democrats. thank god they are gone. halleluha! guns, the bible, and weed. thats all we need, at this point. and THAT is a fact. lol. merry christmas.
nutes were bad? sounds like ohbama. blame everone else. dont take responsibility. nutes bad? does this mean if you gave em too much nutes, it was the nutes fault? lol. responsibility. learn to accept it, or it will be bad water, bad air, bad timer, bad ph. but never bad HEARING. but, you can allways blame it on bush, right? lol. why not? the last one, is a defalult program, for our recently thrown out liberal democrats. thank god they are gone. halleluha! guns, the bible, and weed. thats all we need, at this point. and THAT is a fact. lol. merry christmas.

I smelled them myself you little f*ck. Stay off my thread.
Ive been a victim of bad nutes....well bad nute delivery. Rushing I didn't shake well and it was way settled. Luckily they were established and a good flush and fresh nutes and purple leaves are showing up! I always have only fed 2 at a time for this reason. Nutes are my only real variable so I limit the risk. Once the two are good after 3 days I do the rest.

Great journal and I will stick around if that is cool!
Ive been a victim of bad nutes....well bad nute delivery. Rushing I didn't shake well and it was way settled. Luckily they were established and a good flush and fresh nutes and purple leaves are showing up! I always have only fed 2 at a time for this reason. Nutes are my only real variable so I limit the risk. Once the two are good after 3 days I do the rest.

Great journal and I will stick around if that is cool!

No problem man sorry to come across like that. Anyone that knew what I did for a living would feel stupid for accusing me of avoiding responsibility. Then they'd read my journals, watch me blame myself for most everything (including weak pot strains), realize I don't point the finger at much other than myself and my units, and feel stupider. Most people here aren't cocky like that, and it's one of the reasons I stay.
I'm going with synthetic organic nutes from now on and I'll use dry products for true organics. The grow formula was like yours; it wouldn't mix up or dump out of the gallon jug and hardened at the bottom.
i was just kidding. lol. no harm intended. i care about all my compatriots on here. lol. i can be a wacho sometimes. like the albino monk, on davinci code. lol. i humbly ask forgiveness!
Thanks man but don't expect much from that first round of plants; they're damaged. One died so far after 2 flushes (twice the amount of water as the container size). And for everyone looking for old school I hate to disappoint, but what I ordered>>>>>


didn't turn out that. The tag I took out of the baggie when I used the last five seeds>>>>>


is what these are. The four surviving first plants all have female flowers about the size of a pea. At 5 weeks and 1 day old it's not likely these went into flower under 18/6. Sensi Seeds only sells autos in fem seed from the website I order from (it may be the only way they do their Skunk #1 autos; I didn't check), and all of them being female tells me the rest. Like I said before, I'll finish them out. I'll see if I can get the word auto added to the name of this thread to avoid confusion too. And I'll get pics up to show everyone when the lights come on. Have a good holiday :xmas:
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