Should We Tax Pot?

I am in Canada. I am also a member of the Green Party which says they would legalize it when they get into power. Do you have a viable Green party in the states?
Yea...maybe it's time for us consumers to be reasonable! Legalization will only come with taxation. Let's gt it legal first, then we can worry about abolishing taxes!

BTW...I wish all here a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year!!!:roorrip:

Mile Hi, I understand your point of view and agree with it, but I don't like it. It is a shame that to get anything done, you have to throw money at the government. Should medication be taxed?
Yea...maybe it's time for us consumers to be reasonable! Legalization will only come with taxation. Let's gt it legal first, then we can worry about abolishing taxes!

BTW...I wish all here a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year!!!:roorrip:

Merry Christmas to you too Dave.

I do recognize that taxation is the next step towards governmental acceptance - on our path to full legalization.

I'm just fed up with paying 50%+ in overall taxes and my self indulgent inner-self is attacted to the idea of tea party 2010
wow. never thought I'd find such a compelling discussion, and dare I say debate, on the net. I;m so glad I joined here. Finally around minds as great as mine own!
Medicine should never be taxed.

A tax on the sick
Published: TUESDAY, JULY 4, 2006

Poor countries have long claimed that their people suffer needless sickness and death because the price of medicines is too high. They are right. But often part of the fault lies in their own policies, which jack up prices by taxing medicines, raw materials for drugs and medical devices.

Six years ago, African leaders pledged to stop putting taxes and import duties on bed nets. These nets protect people from mosquitoes that carry malaria, but are often slapped with high textile tariffs. In many countries, government taxes at least double the price that consumers pay for nets. In Tanzania, for example, the retail price dropped from $6 to $2.50 when taxes were eliminated, a huge help for families that live on less than a dollar a day. Usage of bed nets soared. But many governments that made the pledge have not followed through so far.

Adding sales tax or value-added tax to medicines is the most regressive form of taxation, and no country should do it. India charges up to 100 percent for medicines on its list of lifesaving drugs. Morocco's tariff is 12 percent. Nigeria adds a 20 percent tariff to the price of vaccines.

The United States, Singapore and Switzerland have proposed to the World Trade Organization that countries eliminate tariffs on medicines. This makes perfect sense. Only India seems to be using tariffs to protect local generic industries, a strategy that in some limited situations could indeed lower costs to consumers. The rest apply tariffs simply to raise revenue.

A study by the World Health Organization showed that governments make very little money from these charges, which can really squeeze the sick, as even a small tariff adds to the price that forms the base for later markups. Some countries probably retain tariffs only because their health ministries, which know how noxious they are, don't communicate with their finance ministries, which won't let go of any tax without a fight.

The proposal to the World Trade Organization would probably have gotten a lot more support by now if it weren't coming from Washington, allowing some countries to dismiss it as a way to help American drug makers while scoring public relations points. It may be that, but it's also a good idea.

Source: The International Herald Tribune
Website: A tax on the sick - International Herald Tribune
Peace brother! lol, I guess I have been playing the devil's advocate here. Debate helps us to define our views. Thank you for helping me fine tune my beliefs. Peace
Taxing implies legalization. Marc Emery is using that as part of his arguement. He paid taxes to the government and he was even put forward by the government as a person to get seeds from when people wanted to grow their own. Marijuana seeds are legal to sell in Canada so to speak, and if it is semi-legal here and tax has been paid on it, they can not in good conscious turn him over to the states for trial for something that is legal here. The Government is in a pickle as to what to do with Marc. The simplest thing is to legalize it, show the states that it is being controlled through taxation and be done with Marc.
Taxing implies legalization.

Not necessarilly in all cases (at least in the US).

The Marijuana tax stamp act is an example.

Even though cannabis is illegal in all 50 states, 20 states have this tax stamp requirement. So if you are busted - they can nail you for the weed and nail you for failing to pay the tax on the weed. [most states only require stamps above 42.5 grams]

They expect you to buy these stamps and attach them to your goods, even if still growing.

Similar to how they got Al Capone during the last prohibition. Failure to pay tax on activities even though activities were illegal.

Our national politicians seem to be really good at coming up with ways to skirt double-jeopardy laws.

Check out the photo for the Nebraska stamp- that would make a nice cycle jacket State Tax Stamp Data - NORML
They don't tax my tomatos or my corn that I grow for personal use, and I'll be damned if they'll tax the Cannabis I'll grow for personal use or to share with friends if the feds legalize it.
Yeah sorry...felt the need to post without reading all four pages. Great thread though. :peace:
They don't tax my tomatos or my corn that I grow for personal use, and I'll be damned if they'll tax the Cannabis I'll grow for personal use or to share with friends if the feds legalize it.



Civil disobediance = the way to end unjust laws
Ending all Cannabis Prohibition is a start. Changing the " Scheduled Clasification" of Cannabis, is next. Taxation & Regulation will follow, someday. Federal and State laws will need to coincide or be on somewhat the same page as guidelines. Each state will want what's best for them.
How to? What to? When to, Why to? & Who to. Needs addressing.
I certainly do not want to pay a Tax for my own personal cannabis plants, and to grow them. I am a registered CareGiver with the State of Hawaii and have to be also registered with the "Narcotics Enforcement Division" I pay a fee for this, to support the costs associated with the State of Hawaii. Is that a Tax then?
I am very humbled and grateful that I have this privledge. The amounts are not what I think they should be. But, it is the biggest leap we have had here to provide cannabis for ourselves and patients, that if by follwing these rules, we are doing it as it was intended to by the State, and the legislative body of Hawaii that passed the Medical Marijuana bills.
The arguement made up here in Canada is that , like alcohol, you can brew your own beer and wine, but you can't sell it. I know people often share bottles of home made wine and no one thinks anything of it. If it is legal to grow for personal use, there should not be a tax on it and you should be free to share it with other adults, just like homemade beer or wine.
They don't tax my tomatos or my corn that I grow for personal use, and I'll be damned if they'll tax the Cannabis I'll grow for personal use or to share with friends if the feds legalize it.

"The only difference between a tax man and a taxidermist is that the taxidermist leaves the skin" -Mark Twain
It was said that it cost the taxpayers 12 million dollars to prosecute Tommy Chong. We all can see tat was just a big show to make it look good to the public. Up here in Canada it has been estimated that it costs about 80 thousand dollars per person in jail for a year. You have to account for court costs, police time and effort to testifiy,food,clothing, hygene and medical attention, and the cost of keeping the actual building maintained and guards to look after the prisoners. That adds up. I am not sure what the costs are down in the states. From what I have seen of the open barracks type of jail where the prisoners are sleeping on cots, that would be a lot more cost effectve and at the same time more dehumanizing. The human costs to broken families is also not taken into account. Legalizing pot would force many of those jails to be shut down. Police budgets would get cut. Court costs would go way down. Those would be real savings. The taxpayer would get a lower tax bill and if the pot is taxed that is revenue coming in. This is a no brainer folks. I do agree that we should not even have to have this discussion because pot should be free to grow anywhere, but it is not so. We have to deal with what we have.
The other thing I like to point out is once it is decriminalized or taxed or even industrial hemp made legal, the rest of the world will follow big brother's lead. There is some pact that has been signed between most countries ( I assume through the UN) that they agree to keep pot illegal. Who was the moron who came up with this and who signed up for it? I think that is part of the reason why the Liberal Government up here was not able to legalize or decrim when they had announced they would a few years back. I also heard rumours that the U.S. laid a heavy hand on Canada to keep pot illegal. As the rumour goes, they threatened to close all borders with Canada. I would love to see them try! We have too many resources the states need, not to mention BC Bud. That is a non-threat now that the economy of the states is in the toilet. The time is ripe for a major change. I say legalize it and tax it and let the world get on with living in some form of peace.
Dear Canada,
The US is not the super power that it once was. If fear of the border being closed is what is keeping pot illegal, the current US financial situation, which precludes the US from making foolish trade gestures, makes this the perfect time to legalize the herb.
Consider the profits that Canadians made by making and smuggling liquor into the US in the 1920's.
I urge you to legalize marijuana.

Thank you,
U.S. citizen
Yes, Cannabis should be taxed. But How? Where? When? (now)Why? And Who to?
Speaking as a citizen of the USA, I feel that it is time to halt!! all cannabis coming in from Mexico,Central America, South America, Jamiaca,Thailand, Amsterdam, Canada, and any other country. Why? because 99% of the monies are leaving the USA's economic base. If these Countries that import to the USA were taxed upon the amounts that are smuggled, than some revenue would stay here. But the good 'ol USA can't even realize that it can produce enough Cannabis to support its own user base. Then we get into this Free Trade Agreement stuff.
We are still in the " Prohibition" era Cannabis. This must be repealed ASAP. The USA must change the Classification of Cannabis so the DEA can concentrate their efforts somewhere else. They are only doing what they are told to do. In no way do I support the DEA's "War" on cannabis at all.Period, Excalmation Point.
As I stated above last year, it is a privledge to be able to grow my own medicine and be a Registered Caregiver for others. In the era of " Alcohol Prohibition" Some bottles of this were and had to be labled as " Medicinal Value" as it was Dr recommended.
The USA has been a mecca for international varieties of Cannabis for years. Soon, the USA would be Exporting their Cannabis to other countries, and flooding their markets. I am sure at that point, that those other Governments will start taxing or prohibiting the USA Cannabis from entering their ports. Money is Money and in this new economy ye who has money stays alive.
I still support the United States of Canexico.
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