Shotta's - Gorilla Glue #4 - Coco Grow - DTW - HID Lighting

Hey Guys I am back to finish the clone tutorial of my style of cloning. A million ways to skin a cat so what I do is only what I do, but it works very well for me.

So I left off where I had the clones in the cup of chilled water. Now They are ready to be cleaned up and to make my clean 45 degree cuts.

In the following picture you see the clone I will be finishing to put into the plug. The node where my finger is, is the one that I am going to remove. I like to cut this off very carefully with a razor or what I like to use is a scalpel. After removing this cleanly just below where you removed the growing node you will make your 45 degree cut.


Here is the cut with the 45 degree cut and the removed growing node. Once you have the cut to this stage they go into your rooting gel, powder, or rooting solution of your choice. I like the roottech gel. This gel is water based, where as other gels like clonex for instance is alcohol based. The root tech is cool cause it can be used as a gel or can be mixed 1tsp per gallon of water to make a liquid solution.


Once you have dipped your clone it is ready to insert into your chosen plug. I prefer root riot plugs, but any should work.

After putting in your plug you should clean up any large leaves and remove them and the largest ones up top should be clipped in half to reduce transpiration rates. I then like to spray them down with some tap water to wet the clone pretty good.


Once you have taken all your cuts they will go into the dome and not really messed with. The dome can be sprayed down with some water and its also helpful to put a little water in your tray to help keep humidity up. You dont want the plugs to be touching the water you put in the tray and also you dont want the plugs to be soaking wet either.


So for the first few days you will just open your dome once a day to give them some fresh air, I like to fan them with my hand or even blow on them some. After about 5 days in the dome I will start to open my vents ever so slightly and leaving the dome off for a little longer each day. Watch them closely for drooping. After about 7 days they should be starting to drink water on there own and you can open the domes vents to full position. Always keeping an eye on them falling over and getting limp.

This is also when I start giving them 1/4 strength nutrients. Just making sure to not give them a hot feed. I usually start them around .6-.8 ec or between 300 and 400 ppm on a .5 scale.
Here is the beginning of the setup.

First I like to layout where my lights will be placed. For this I used tape to give me a center and to set the lights up according to the foot print I need to achieve. Ideally I want to get 4x8 feet of canopy for two 1000 watt fixtures.



Once I get where my lights will be then I get my wood up in the ceiling and put the hooks where they need to be for my lights.

Now I just need to poly the room out and install all the components needed for this sealed grow.

Heres a few pictures of the beginnings


cheers everyone!!!
Thanks for documenting this. I am looking at building a space myself sometime to actually have room and get away from my small tents and seeing how much thought you are putting into it sure puts things in perspective for how to do it right.

Looking good my friend. Perfect looking clones. what i like the most is that you work clean.. i hate messy grow rooms with a passion.

Now i have never used a mini split. in the uk no one uses aircon in their homes in the north and it would have looked very out of place to install it in a non commercial property. But now im living in a warmer climate just about every home has aircon. that is a bonus for me as now i can run true sealed rooms. Def best way to grow imo. Are you using the aircon as an extra cooling factor on an extraction system or are you running a sealed room?
Looking good my friend. Perfect looking clones. what i like the most is that you work clean.. i hate messy grow rooms with a passion.

Now i have never used a mini split. in the uk no one uses aircon in their homes in the north and it would have looked very out of place to install it in a non commercial property. But now im living in a warmer climate just about every home has aircon. that is a bonus for me as now i can run true sealed rooms. Def best way to grow imo. Are you using the aircon as an extra cooling factor on an extraction system or are you running a sealed room?

Wow. I am glad you like it culti. Man do I hate messy grow rooms. All it takes is a few minutes a day to sweep, wipe, vacuum, and organize.

I am running this room completely sealed. In the summer I may air cool the lights but through the winter here I am running the reflectors open.
nice mate. i will watch and see how you build ur sealed room. im still undecided on my first set up here. as u know its started and i have just enough set up to start them out. i was thinking 12 600w lights split between tents but now im thinking 1 sealed room. i still have plenty of time so will see how it unfolds.

looking good though so far mate.
Keep them lines tight. These just flipped and I will throw in a picture or two along the way.
They started 12/12 on thanksgiving day. This was taken a couple days after.
The way I do the trellis is right when I get the plants in flower I place the trellis over them and spread the plants out a bit, taking a 30 inch plant and pressing the screen down to make it 20-24 inches. I will train the plants for the first 10-12 days, trying to achieve a nice even canopy with no gaps. This one is coming along nicely so far.

Had a consultation today to help turn around a failed grow. Pretty psyched on the space, just wish we had three phase power here.

This grow was 10 lights in flower and 4 in veg. All 1kw.

The space needs major reworking and I will be rehabbing this spot.

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