Shirley' First Grow! Soil - 450W LED - Autos




lets go again
so its been awhile since i last posted an update.

well where to start, all was normal until about 4 weeks in when i went to start abit of lst, pulled her over to what i thought was 'far enough' then as im tying the not she snapped, full on snapped the main stem about 80-90% about 3 nodes up. to which the f word was repeated ALOT! then a quick scramble for some tape, taped the stem back together and hoped for the best.

she has grown alot since and is about 4 days into flower but with her being my first auto im not sure if ive fucked her up to much?


Hope all is well in your world.

Thanks for sharing this grow with us.

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Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

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