Are you doing the dry/soak method? If not, do that for a week or ten days before transplanting. those aren't ready to transplant yet...not even close.
It's very important to let them dry out between waterings. When you do water, make sure you soak them from the bottom up, IE set them in a tub of water that is at least half as high as the soil level. let the soil wick things up.
Don't try to give them the most minimal drench you can pencil out using complicated formulas and ideas about soil volume, etc. For those, I'd take 2 gallons of water in some type of tub so that the water level is half to 2/3 as high as the soil level, add 2 mils of Tea, 1/8 oz Transplant and 1/4 oz of whatever drench you're using (GE or Transplant).
The yellowing you had indicates that the nitrogen fixing critters aren't fixing like they should....probably too wet in the root zone.
Also, remember DeStress is now 1/2 oz per quart. If I shipped you the old formula I would have indicated so on your packing list.
They look like they're recovering nicely, but DO NOT hurry to transplant them. I'd wait at least 10 days, and up to 3 weeks!!
Dry, dunk, soak, dry, dunk, soak, etc.