AK48 Day 129 (Flower Day 63) - Thanksgiving Harvest
Hello gang, it is time for a Thanksgiving Harvest!
After returning from a little honeymoon with the new wife I decided it was time to chop that beautiful AK48. After trimming off the rest of those leaves, the buds look just so amazing. I gave her a good washing as Doc recommends
. She smells so beautiful. I think I am going to like the taste of this so much.
That said during harvest I noticed something that I did wrong and am really looking for advise with this one. After taking the soil out of the pots I noticed that the latest transplant wasn't exactly successfuly. I did not score the roots as you recommend Doc and the roots never grew out of the 5 gallon area they were in. I thought that the Fabric pots were the same as the Air-Pots that I have been using and that it was not required. I was sadly mistaken and it seems it is. Note the Air Pots that I used before you can just transplant and not worry about scoring the roots.
What does this mean exactly? Well, I transplanted my Wonder Woman clone from a 5 Gallon Fabric pot into a 10 gallon one and you guessed it, I did not score her roots either.
Now for the questions! What do you think I should do about this? I was thinking two possibilities:
1) Take her out of her container, knock off the current soil, score the roots, put soil back in.
2) Take some long sturdy thin stick or metal thing with a razor and try to scrap down by the roots and the new soil.
Please give me some input on this as I don't want to stress her too bad.
Anyway, like I said not all bad news I got 10 nice bud sticks off of AK48 and here are some pics! Happy Thanksgiving all!
AK48 The goods