Final Smoke Report:
Yes cultivation of late flowering tropical sativas is time consuming and takes patience. A suitable climate or grow space is required. At 47N, a heated greenhouse made it happen. In the case of SMH she went almost to end of November for the last cut. Comparatively, the six plants of various strains were ripe for harvest at different points:
Super Lemon Haze -
indica dominant: mostly harvested Oct 14, leaving seeded branches to ripen until Oct 28.
Durban-Thai HF - Oct 23 (very ripe, harvested all in one go)
Super Lemon Haze -
haze dominant: Oct 23 & Nov 5 (staggered harvest, got 2 effects -- Nov 5 a bit heavier effect)
NL#5 x Haze - Nov 7 - 14
Malawi - Nov 8 - 14
Super Malawi Haze - Nov 17 - 24 (will be comparing the 4 cuts for subtle differences in effect)
With 4 of these strains, I had never grown them and was ignorant of how they would finish. I had grown only the SLH once before. But surprise, the 2022 SLH phenos turned out very differently than my 2020 California SLH plant, and of course the climate there was much warmer. Looking back on this 2022 grow, in my mind I was focused on getting a good Super Lemon Haze again as the SLH canna butter from 2020 was almost gone. Nothing like the bottom of the jar to motivate! Other than that, I was highly curious about Super Malawi Haze, in particular the 50% Nevils Haze genes and whether I could grow them in this climate.
As for post-harvest favourites... Well, since you ask,
Super Lemon Haze just ticks all the boxes for me: uplifting, energising, very pleasant feeling/mood ("euphoric"), strong head high, long lasting, and use in the evening is also good because it lasts 2-3 hours and I can sleep afterwards. Nice lemon flavour to the smoke. Both phenos give about the same effect, though the indica dominant is the stronger and has an additional intensity, and this is even though it was mainly harvested Oct 14, which was earlier than the haze dom. The indica dominant plant itself seemed less vigorous, and towards the end looked like she was dying. The photo of this pheno in my prior post above was taken Oct 13. Effect-wise, SLH actually lifts me out of a low point and puts me into a good and happy mood. It's imho anti-depressive. No wonder SLH is such a popular strain.
I am just now getting to appreciate the
Durban-Thai Highflyer x C99. It has some of the same effects as SLH. Strong head high, clear headed, activating & uplifting, very positive mood and feeling. Maybe a substitute for SLH?
Super Malawi Haze is powerful and psychedelic-cerebral, very strong. A long-lasting high, 3-4 hours. Combines Malawi's physical facial head buzz (SMH in this respect is only about half the strength of Malawi) with a very strong cerebral effect to the top of the head. The most powerful strain I have experienced so far. Takes me into another world. Though I didn't know what to expect, am totally blown away and am very happy with this plant.
Malawi is even more other-worldly than SMH, and more incapacitating, though without the Nevils Haze cerebral effect of SMH. A prominent facial-head buzz stands out, a very pleasant and strong high. With Malawi, my mind wanders off into its thoughts, leaving the present time and place and forgetting what I was/am doing. Very pleasant, long lasting feeling. Impairment of normal functioning: for me, limits its use to out on the long weekend with time to myself.
NL#5 x Haze is easy all around. Easy to grow. Heavy producer. Pleasant tasting smoke, effect is relaxing, and lasts about 90 minutes. Mildly uplifting from the O Haze parent, the indica NL#5 stands out in the effect. But not incapacitating, not super uplifting, just relaxing and mildly stimulating. Nice alternative to the hazier varieties when am looking to just chill for a change, lol. For when I'm not in the mood to be devastated.
So... I guess I like all of them. But yeah, SLH is probably the favourite. You knew that already, but there it is.
In my next post, I'll put down some thoughts on how I can grow another SLH indica dominant plant, as I did get some seeds by pollinating the GHS feminized indica dominant plant with pollen from Michka, Malawi, and Super Malawi Haze males. So there are some regular seeds that are 50% SLH, alongside the final 2 original GHS SLH feminized seeds still left from the 2020 5-pack. So far, 3 seeds from that pack have produced wonderful plants, so am hoping to find yet more phenos.
Cheers and thanks for stopping by.