Serious Seeds Serious 6

Keep it real B Real... I'm subbed
SHOOT B, If i can get my beans to take off like yours did here I'll be a happy camper. Just ran through all 5 pages & I'm impressed!:bravo:
12-14 weeks from sow depending on howin you like the buds, and I think im yielding about half oz a plant. I can upgrade to 138 watts, but right now im at 118. I feel like theyd be even bigger if I can stop the damn hunger somehow.
This isnt where I originally read it but I read this here today about 1/3 of the way down the page
Plant Abuse Chart

Potassium deficiency:
Older leaves are initially chlorotic but soon develop dark necrotic lesions
(dead tissue). First apparent on the tips and margins of the leaves. Stem and branches may become weak and easily broken, the plant may also stretch. The plant will become susceptible to disease and toxicity. In addition to appearing to look like iron deficiency, the tips of the leaves curl and the edges burn and die.

Potassium - Too much sodium (Na) displaces K, causing a K deficiency. Sources of high salinity are: baking soda (sodium bicarbonate "pH-up"), too much manure, and the use of water-softening filters (which should not be used). If the problem is Na, flush the soil. K can get locked up from too much Ca or ammonium nitrogen, and possibly cold weather.

Honestly I have a hell of a time with these plant problem solver threads cuz most of them use the same pics and none of them really look exactly like my issue at the time so I have to go by what I read and thats the one that made the most sense in my case because I know for a fact that I over fed nitrogen. I also had a hell of a time in my first journal from just over feeding. Gave full strength nutes in fresh FFOF and royally fcked everything up.
Ok I flushed both plants with a mild feeding. 7 weeks old from seed, 4 weeks in bloom.

I used different nutrients. Well see how they look tomorrow.

thanks for the love everyone. they got fed the new food a couple days ago, and theyre looking good! im so mad I lost leaves to hunger (they've been removed so you cant tell) but I feel like theyre going to finish out strong. im using smaller pots next time for sure, cause my rose bush is drinking and growing like crazy from these nutes. 2 or 3 feedings and these new blooms have popped up, and the older (very overfed as you can see) leaves are not turning yellow! I really need to allow my soil to dry out to see if the growth rate increases. I have to tell myself to stop watering so frequently.

the new vegetative growth and to be blooms are a nice shade of green..


oh yeah and here are the bud plants after their feeding. the "taller" one (the one that was supercropped over) couldnt take the heat of the nitrogen in the synthetic and the leaves clawed downwards a bit, but not too bad at all! I mixed half a teaspoon of the synthetics in 64 oz of water

theyre smelling OH so sweet.. the training really helped keep them under the lights this time. ive got nice little sog going. new beans going down soon. I have a choice between:

-paradise acid/diesel
-head seeds casey jones
-nirvana seeds snow white
-nirvana seeds new york power diesel
-jamaica seeds blackout kush

Hey B.Real

Just stopping by to check out your grow. I saw you mentioned using less soil. I have avg'd 10 to 13 grams per plant in 24 oz. cups. 7 grams if I mess things up. So, I would say you can grow in less soil considering the small grow space.

Things seem to be rolling a long for ya.

Keep up the good work :thumb: +Reps
theyre both happy. gonna let the soil dry out one more day. thanks for the great info man. I acutally found the rootball and stalk under my deck LOL. picked it up to knock the soil off and there was a nice root mass. my fingers smelt like pine haze after holding the stalk like a hammer. it was nice

im gonna try like 48 oz of soil next time

yes your greenness. they like they synthetics -_- im gonna switch to the nitrogen low biobizz soon. or ill do the biobizz every other feeding..

for now I watered them with a super mild synthetic solution again instead of skipping one watering

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