Seedsman Purple Ghost Candy Comparison Grow Hempy Style By Bluter

Meaning what, the device is cooked?
You should never leave a pH meter in distilled water. The glass bulb contains the reference solution of potassium chloride. There's two electrode and one side has the KCL reference solution. Vinegar solution works better to remove oxidation.

That's why you leave it in KCL or potassium silicate solution to keep the electrodes intact and not get oxidated/corroded.

Meaning what, the device is cooked?

maybe not but i'd listen to @Wastei. if you can i'd get some kcl solution to soak it, it should be available at a local grow shop if you can't wait for internet delivery.

in the mean time use RO water to soak it. i wouldn't use distilled to soak it, and never use a ph or ec meter to measure the distilled water. they can't do it proper and it will mess them up to the point of no return.
we're calling this day 4 above ground .. well .. if the ground is nothing but perlite at least :cheesygrinsmiley:


got some nice tiny trues flat out which shows the @SeedsMan purple ghost candy wants to go for it from the get go. we're not even a wk in from drop for germination. that's all genetics.

cleaned up their tupperware drip tray, then gave them a few shots around the edges of ~3/4 seedling strength mix.
it took a few from the spray bottle before the res began to flow out the drain holes. doubt the taps are down there, but it shows they've been pulling some, as it wouldn't have all gone up to evaporation from the res.

the plan is holding the nute level now the same for a few days, but i'm glad i went with early background nutes, and an aggressive ramp towards seedling level. these girls look like they are gonna eat and run with it. 🤘

have also been incrementally increasing light levels to match. we are now at 55% which should also be max for a while.
@bluter , I've got a pH meter question for you.

I dug out my meter that I haven't used in months (going on years). The display was fading so I changed the batteries, and figured it needed recalibration after doing so, so I mixed up the 6.86 solution and tried the meter. The display showed dozens of different readings for a few seconds before settling on 00.00. I turned it off and on and got the same result.

The directions said if it hadn't been used for a while the probe can dry out and the fix for that is leaving it in distilled water for a few hours.

Are my results way out of bounds or is this normal for an out of service device, and will it come around after soaking?

i always use a kcl storage solution. even then if it dries out i use that to re hydrate the bulb. then i'll check it in RO water, i don't use distilled as it can cause other trouble. i also have calibration fluids, if i suspect a problem i use them to recalibrate the meter.

You should never leave a pH meter in distilled water. The glass bulb contains the reference solution of potassium chloride. There's two electrode and one side has the KCL reference solution. Vinegar solution works better to remove oxidation.

That's why you leave it in KCL or potassium silicate solution to keep the electrodes intact and not get oxidated/corroded.


maybe not but i'd listen to @Wastei. if you can i'd get some kcl solution to soak it, it should be available at a local grow shop if you can't wait for internet delivery.

in the mean time use RO water to soak it. i wouldn't use distilled to soak it, and never use a ph or ec meter to measure the distilled water. they can't do it proper and it will mess them up to the point of no return.

Thats good to know. Because everything I've ever received states the opposite.


Thats good to know. Because everything I've ever received states the opposite.
Rinse the storage solution off the probe with distilled water but definitely don't leave it soaking in it:

"never use this for storage it will damage the electrode. Storing in deionized (DI) water, or distilled water causes ions to leach from the glass membrane and reference electrolyte. Thus resulting in a slow and sluggish response."
Thats good to know. Because everything I've ever received states the opposite.

you'll see that on cheap probes. usually the ones that are like a usb stick. a lot the mfgrs don't really care about them, or the growers really. the better ones will even come with the storage and calibration fluids included.

this is my apera 60series ph probe.


i have a larger bottle of the kcl to refill the smaller container when needed.
it's good to stick with a proven brand as well. hm, hanna, apera, blue lab are all good.
you'll see that on cheap probes. usually the ones that are like a usb stick. a lot the mfgrs don't really care about them, or the growers really. the better ones will even come with the storage and calibration fluids included.

this is my apera 60series ph probe.


i have a larger bottle of the kcl to refill the smaller container when needed.
it's good to stick with a proven brand as well. hm, hanna, apera, blue lab are all good.
On my bucket list
On my bucket list

blue lab is the benchmark but are a high entry cost.
i can recommend the apera 60 series. they are the same lab level with a lower price point.

edit :

h/m and hanna are also decent choices but may not quite reach the bang for buck you get with the apera. only in the 60 series though.
i also recommend avoiding all the ec / ph combo meters. get dedicated meters. if a ph bulb breaks on a combo meter the ends are prohibitively expensive to replace. the ec meter will never break. only a ph bulb will. the ph bulb only meters have cheaper ends if you need a replacement.

this part is replaceable on the 60 series and most decent probes


you can see my old h/m combo meter all blurry in the background lol.

the ph bulb broke on it rendering it an ec meter only since the end was too expensive. it actually had a replaceable end, but i weighed the difference and got a second apera over fixing the h/m.
it's one week from the towels for the @SeedsMan purple ghost candy and 5 days above ground.


roots won't be at the res yet but they are pulling it up into the perlite and using it. cups are noticeably lighter. i'm no longer adding to the res during the day. they'll get a little every other day for a while until the second set comes in.


i'll be going to full seedling strength in the next 2 days and will stay there until the second set starts, then ramp into early veg strength.
day 7 above the ground for the @SeedsMan purple ghost candy.


second set of trues are just starting and i've bumped to full seedling nutes. will be incrementally increasing nute levels to early veg levels over the next 2 feedings. i'm no longer adding to the res between feedings and will begin to ph at the next one. feedings will now move to every 3 days on schedule to keep ph in check.

took a pic under true light to get an idea of actual colour.


noticed in other journals the
purple ghost candy is pretty light in colour. mine seems the same. they are colouring in but they don't seem to be heading to a deep green. it looks a bit less pronounced on the indica leaning phenos i've seen in other threads.

wondering if anyone else has noticed anything similar.

notice there's a little aglae on the surface of the perlite from adding to the res earlier. it's absolutely no issue.
Looking good and thanks for the heads up on the lighter color, but yours might green up when they hit the res! Tokin Roll's are a lovely shade of green.

i checked mine, they are on the res now. everything is going on under the perlite lol. :cheesygrinsmiley:

in the other threads they have a definite heavy feeding pheno that wants more calmag. usually presenting in mid veg. but they always start a bit pale from go.
i checked mine, they are on the res now. everything is going on under the perlite lol. :cheesygrinsmiley:

in the other threads they have a definite heavy feeding pheno that wants more calmag. usually presenting in mid veg. but they always start a bit pale from go.
Yeah, mine were leggy and pale then got the stripes on the leaves
About week 4 suddenly started getting bushy, shoots all over [nb I powered the light up]
Now full feed, 2x CaMg and the colour is improving
Yeah, mine were leggy and pale then got the stripes on the leaves
About week 4 suddenly started getting bushy, shoots all over [nb I powered the light up]
Now full feed, 2x CaMg and the colour is improving

i'm definitely seeing two phenos in other threads and the feeding is different.

i went aggressive super early as a result, and also because hempy. i've never run extra calmag in the background as early as i am now. so far i think i'm happy with the decisions.

edit : btw thanks for trying your best with giving @Acid a hand. not much win but appreciated.
day 9 above ground for the @SeedsMan purple ghost candy ..


feeding day. they got their first full flood feed and a bump in nutes above seedling level, heading towards veg levels over the next week as they develop. they'll get the same this wk one more time, then will make the call on bumping or not.

right now i'm running
1.5g MC
1ml calmag

this was their first ph'd feed. i'll be ph'ing for the duration from this point.


color is nice and even coming in. they look a lighter green overall though, the pics are alot more pale than in person. will see if i can get a better shot with my camera. i think the lens has had it though.

they are definitely at the res now. the poor things were dry this morning. have to be careful a bit feeding, they move around in the cups as the media is loose still and hasn't gotten locked up.
day 11 from surface. took a pic with my old camera and a flash to get a better idea of true colour.


@SeedsMan purple ghost candy are doing fantastic. leaves are filling out a bit quicker than the stems can keep up. went in this morning to give them a check and firm up the media around them.


trying to decide if i'm bumping to veg levels or keeping it under for 1 more feed. i've got both options already pre-mixed.
i'm not seeing any deficiencies, though i think the larger ones are ok for a bump. they are all definitely pulling from the res, and are ready to be fed around every third day. could go in earlier, but i want them to get a little dry.
Color and growth are both looking great!

better in the dark with a flash. :p
it's a real debate whether i go in heavy next feed. you know me, i've run well chunky so far.

i pushed the dimming to 60% full. that's gotta be it for a while since i need some to let them bush out with only the 200w the veg rig has. it's a choke point but i work with it.

however i'm probably pulling them into the 600W flower space earlier than usual this run. maybe before i cage them. they might do the back half of veg there.

i'm gonna use it to start veg garden stuff for mom in the interim.
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