Seedsman Comparative Grow With New Light

Yeah I don't understand the rusty nail through the stem thing either.. sounds sus. Why not just stick the rusty nails around the stock in the dirt. The iron an oxidation will happen regardless. And when watered the iron will dissipate to the soil.
Agreed, if you're gonna do the soil, do it right the first time cuz it sucks to have to back track. You'll be alright tho you already know this stuff. 😇 Just don't repeat it. 💎💎💎💚🥰
wasnt what i was meaninig besides i wouldnt use a rusty nail for that anyways.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Saturday really foggy here with drizzle supposed to clear out though. It's all good we got plenty of Bud!!! If not we still got Jesus! But of course having Jesus is first, because without him nothing's possible..
Just now got through smoking a log of some runts GMO. But anyways got to get those pictures tonight because see how my plants are looking this is day 6 of drought autos are starting to show a little symptoms like there getting tired. I can already tell they're sucking shit out of their leaves. Only imagine what my black sugars are looking like.. we'll see
Trying to add up my jars ballpark shit on harvest I don't think I might have enough jars I might have to go to some coffee jars when I run out of jars. Right now I'm going to have 9 64 Oz mason jars! We'll see I'm calculating to be shy good thing I can get it right a quick though moving from coffee jar to Mason jar if need we'll see. And if this is the case I've gotten well over a pound this go around my insights are pretty good on judging things. And I'm including shrinkage and everything
Here's my thinking small black sugar clone ounce and a half at the least , smaller Northern light I say 2 oz very compact buds on it plant hard as hell going to be way in well , I'm thinking maybe at least 3 oz on bigger Northern light , I'm thinking six ounces of the big black sugar 4 oz is on smaller. And this is all on the low ends just guessing
Hope my friends and family at :420: r doing spectacular today! About time to go see what all damage has been done. Just got through turn of the northern light auto light on at 5:00 still look like nothing is phasing them.....
Perfect! What a beautiful 6-day stretch without water done deal they're drought is a rap!


I will say I pushed that big black sugar to the limit! Smaller black sugar maybe could have went another day but what the hell let her finish up with the other as well as with the clone she's so caked out it's uncanny if I touch her without gloves it doesn't matter how many times I wash my hands I'd have to eat five rubbing alcohol pads after. As far as the Northern lights Go they are pushing to day 7!
Well I guess I might as well put up pictures of myself-induced ugly plants. Jk all marijuana is beautiful in it's glory! She is showing me her full flower beauty! They are 72 days old now that's 12/12. So about 67 Day flower time already.










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