Seedsman Comparative Grow With New Light

Yeah I wouldn't want it lower than 67º just for the sake of color.
Daylight temperatures with light on around about 82° is what I see mostly when I look in I will check it tonight I will only open tent of crack just so I can hurry up and see the temperature. But anyways I opened up the flap and I shot my temperature gun in there and it read 67 that's like a 15° temperature drop! With lights off...
Are you using the temp gun for both readings? If not you might not be getting a fair comparison. Either way, I'd shoot for a high of 80 and a low of 70 since cannabis is said to like a 10º swing from high to low.

"Ideally, you don’t want your temperature to vary by more than 12°F between your lights on and lights off periods, but the plants do better when it is about 10 degrees cooler during the dark period."

"The air temperature should be maintained within a specific range, typically with deviations no larger than 10 °C (18 °F) with a cooler night and warmer day."
Yeah I wouldn't want it lower than 67º just for the sake of color.

Are you using the temp gun for both readings? If not you might not be getting a fair comparison. Either way, I'd shoot for a high of 80 and a low of 70 since cannabis is said to like a 10º swing from high to low.

"Ideally, you don’t want your temperature to vary by more than 12°F between your lights on and lights off periods, but the plants do better when it is about 10 degrees cooler during the dark period."

"The air temperature should be maintained within a specific range, typically with deviations no larger than 10 °C (18 °F) with a cooler night and warmer day."
only used gun for that temp check. i usualy to check my hygrometer when i open when i check on them. honestly dont really have a way to control my temps yet










Wait so now the little Sour G has the same spots as the Black Sugars? That make it spreadable.

Try wiping one of those Sour G leaves down with rubbing alcohol 1:4 with water and see if spreads on that leaf.
I think you got it mixed around brother the two sour g looks the same like a calcium deficiency with the least turning up and turning into a crisp.

My fasciated black sugar clone is the one is looking like the black sugars I'm thinking we're right it's closer in the time of their end and they're spinning the shit out of their leaves and it just took that one longer cuz it was more vigorous. But yes the other sour G is looking like the other sour G.

I'm really thinking I'm just taking the sour cheese out of there I mean hell I ain't going to mount it in anyways now to give me more room for what though I don't know cuz I only got my two black sugars in the black sugar clone.
I honestly don't know what the hell is wrong with the sour g's. But they do their own thing and it looks totally different from what the black sugar looks like. And if what was on the black sugar was spreadable I believe the sour G leaves would be looking the same with their veins but they're not. Which leads me to believe it's just the strain black sugar.
Oh sorry, I thought this was a Sour G clone:

That is a sour G clone. I was talking about the other black sugar clone whose leaves are starting to look like the other two black sugars. But yeah those leaves are turning out like the other sour g they're not going to be much of a yield so I plan on taking those two plants on out.
A lot (but not all) of the plants I grow that have purple genetics start to yellow just before they turn purple. Could that be what's happening with the Black Sugar?
It definitely has purple genetics.
Yesterday I didn't get to break everything down I wanted to do it one at a time but I had so many pictures but anyways here is picture of the big black sugar and its leaves and now my black sugar clone who was once green and now changing.. we'll see it could be the purple urple comming






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