Seedsman Comparative Grow With New Light

been feed new regimen 2x now. i think we ok. n maybe sour g will be ok. no really messed up leaves she might be good. other sour g was at same hight but also showed brown dry curled leaves. both feed new flower n lowered to floor level.
Not that I've seen. Could be a small micro-nute toxicity from the low pH. Micro-nutes are taken up at high amounts at lower pH, which is why soil is usually pH'd in the mid 6s.
teach me sensi teach me!
my autos look the same but bushier and greener looking. older more n more stigs turn color. no water day 1!

teach me sensi teach me!
Soil contains a lot of micro nutrients, so with low pH that can lead to the plant being able to take up too much of them. So the companies (are supposed to) make sure that bagged soil is in the mid 6 pH range to prevent that.

Peat-based mixes, on the other hand, contain no micro-nutrients, so they pH those blends (like ProMix or Sunshine Mix) to around 5.6-5.8 so that the plant can take up the micro nutrients from what you feed them.
my autos look the same but bushier and greener looking. older more n more stigs turn color. no water day 1!
To me it looks early for a drought, with all those white pistils.
Soil contains a lot of micro nutrients, so with low pH that can lead to the plant being able to take up too much of them. So the companies (are supposed to) make sure that bagged soil is in the mid 6 pH range to prevent that.

Peat-based mixes, on the other hand, contain no micro-nutrients, so they pH those blends (like ProMix or Sunshine Mix) to around 5.6 so that the plant can take up the micro nutrients from what you feed them.

To me it looks early for a drought, with all those white pistils.
she is 11 1/2 weeks @SeedsMan says 10-12. thanx 4 knowledge bro. still not 3 late to give water
Ignore the breeder, read the plants!
yep just wanted opinion she smells like a dead skunk dank n funky ass hell. bs more sweeter smell. sour g smell like gas....
another 10g of nectar made up for my ladies! SMH ..... atleast i dont have 2 worry about milk jugs until i transfer. i wander if my airstones doing any good. id say it puts extra oxy in my water
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