
I'll tag a few that may know. @Pennywise @Grandpa Tokin

I didn't know if the guys I tagged know, but they possibly could find out.
I grew hydroponics in 1989. The seed I had was from the Seed Bank in Holland. Neville was his name. Does anyone know what became of this seed ? Northern Lights 5 x Skunk #1 Hybrid

Nevil sold The Seed Bank of Holland to Ben Dronkers (Sensi Seeds, one of our sponsors) in 1991, and continued to work there for a short time as their head breeder (this was before he formed Greenhouse Seeds with Arjan what'shisname). I'd look for what you seek at Sensi.

More recently, Nevil has been associated with Shantibaba's Mr. Nice Seed Bank. I do not know whether he actively participates (IOW, whether or not he is a working cannabis breeder at this time); I have read contradictory reports, and don't know which to believe.

Again, I'd try Sensi first (personal preference, I suppose) - but if that fails to provide what you seek, you might try Mr. Nice.
There were only a couple seed banks when I made my very first seed order back in the 80's. I remember Nevil from back then. Not sure what the seed bank was named back. High Times did a big article on the Cannabis Castle. I ended up ordering Skunk #1 and Afghani. Not sure if it was from Nevil or the SSSC. Other then the Skunk almost getting me busted they were great seeds. Some of which are still in my brother in laws collection. Back then you had to order a catalog then wait tell you got it to find what they had. "Wish I still had those catalogs". So much easier these days.
Nevil sold The Seed Bank of Holland to Ben Dronkers (Sensi Seeds, one of our sponsors) in 1991, and continued to work there for a short time as their head breeder (this was before he formed Greenhouse Seeds with Arjan what'shisname). I'd look for what you seek at Sensi.

More recently, Nevil has been associated with Shantibaba's Mr. Nice Seed Bank. I do not know whether he actively participates (IOW, whether or not he is a working cannabis breeder at this time); I have read contradictory reports, and don't know which to believe.

Again, I'd try Sensi first (personal preference, I suppose) - but if that fails to provide what you seek, you might try Mr. Nice.
There were only a couple seed banks when I made my very first seed order back in the 80's. I remember Nevil from back then. Not sure what the seed bank was named back. High Times did a big article on the Cannabis Castle. I ended up ordering Skunk #1 and Afghani. Not sure if it was from Nevil or the SSSC. Other then the Skunk almost getting me busted they were great seeds. Some of which are still in my brother in laws collection. Back then you had to order a catalog then wait tell you got it to find what they had. "Wish I still had those catalogs". So much easier these days.

You guys are a plethora of seed information..... Thanks. I didn't know about it that much. Nice to have the old knowledge in the new age.
You guys are a plethora of seed information..... Thanks. I didn't know about it that much. Nice to have the old knowledge in the new age.

Well... Cannabis history can be a murky thing, lol. Who owned what business when, that kind of thing is easy to track down. But as to who did what (in regards to creating and maintaining various strains), that kind of thing can often be in dispute. Even the original parties sometimes remember things differently. Party A might know for sure but not speak on the subject, Party B might speak but misremember - and have his words be "passed around on the Internet" for years or even decades until it is almost universally accepted as fact. Then, if Party A - for whatever reason - decides to break his silence and recount the history of a thing, 420,000,000 (lol) people might immediately start posting about how Party A is WRONG. (But he might actually be wrong, who the <BLEEP> knows?)

I'm just a regular (er... for purposes of this discussion ;) ) guy. I kept records of what I grew, what I bred, backcrosses, different phenotype expressions, how they responded in terms of feeding, things I screwed up and didn't want to screw up in the future, etc. Then I lost those records... Computer crashes, lost or misplaced hardcopy notes, spouse asking me to quit the whole cannabis thing "because it started making her uncomfortable" (translation: she wanted a divorce, and wanted to look like the wronged party - so she decided to push the one button that she figured would cause me to refuse to <COUGH>"do the right thing" and allow her to exit stage left whilst shedding many tears and telling everyone that she tried, she really did... Only I thought about it for about two seconds and called someone to come over with a trailer to haul off everything even remotely connected with cannabis - boy was I stupid :rolleyes: ), getting so paranoid that I completely "sanitized" my home (three times and counting), et cetera.

So now I have to use my faulty and failing memory as a reference, because that's about all I have. And I have never been actively pursued by (sometimes multiple) LEO agencies. Nevil Schoenmakers, OtOH, was one of the targets of Operation Green Merchant in (IIRC) 1990, went to Australia, was arrested and held without bail for something like a year while extradition proceedings were going on, finally got bail, jumped bail six weeks later, fled to Amsterdam, et cetera. I would guess that he wasn't carrying his records around with him, let alone his breeding stock, lofl.

Just one example of disputed information: David Watson (aka "Sam the Skunkman") has always said that he personally supplied Nevil with the Original Haze seeds that were so instrumental in the creation of Nevil's Haze. But Nevil, IIRC, stated that he actually got them via some collector in New York who got the original '69 stock from the Haze Brothers (who weren't actually brothers, BtW). Now... Normally, if Watson says a thing and pretty much anyone in the universe disagrees with him, I'll probably believe the other guy (in the absence of actual evidence one way or the other, I mean), because Watson is a douche bag (of the highest caliber) from way, WAAAAY back who thought nothing of rolling on his friends in order to save his own skin (/stock/equipment/etc.), had some rather nefarious connections with the DEA that (among other things) helped him almost immediately get set up in the Netherlands with his company, Cultivator's Choice. (Instead of trying to extradite the guy for his Santa Cruz bust in '85, the D actively supported his activities in Holland, and was instrumental in him being granted a permit to grow cannabis there (he was the first to be granted one, actually) at a time when when several universities and domestic (Dutch) research groups with PHD’s and legitimate reasons for research were denied such a permit... his support was so overwhelming that he was given three greenhouses by the Dutch government at a time when others were having their equipment confiscated and they were sent to jail.) He (and Hortipharm) seem to have, as a goal, the intention to patent as much of the cannabis genome as possible in order to "own" it (Monsanto, anyone?). At a 1997 Vancouver Hemp conference, Watson spoke of his research. His main focus was to stop growers from cloning nor being able to create any seeds, from strains being bred in Amsterdam. In other words... yeah, "douche bag" definitely applies.

HOWEVER... With all of that being said, there is still a "one over (infinity minus one)" chance that he is correct and Nevil is mistaken. I mean... In terms of heads or tails, I'd say that, heads means Watson is lying and tails means he's not telling the truth - but if you flip your coin up into the air and, instead of it falling to the ground, God personally reaches his hand down from heaven and snatches the quarter away from you... then Watson might be the correct one here, lol.

To use the words of the late, great, Fats Waller, "One never knows, do one?"
At a 1997 Vancouver Hemp conference, Watson spoke of his research. His main focus was to stop growers from cloning nor being able to create any seeds, from strains being bred in Amsterdam.
I seem to have typed a bit more than I had originally intended. (Oops.) What I meant to type was simply: When it comes to the history of cannabis strains, only believe .00001% of what you hear or read - and question even that.
Well... Cannabis history can be a murky thing, lol. Who owned what business when, that kind of thing is easy to track down. But as to who did what (in regards to creating and maintaining various strains), that kind of thing can often be in dispute. Even the original parties sometimes remember things differently. Party A might know for sure but not speak on the subject, Party B might speak but misremember - and have his words be "passed around on the Internet" for years or even decades until it is almost universally accepted as fact. Then, if Party A - for whatever reason - decides to break his silence and recount the history of a thing, 420,000,000 (lol) people might immediately start posting about how Party A is WRONG. (But he might actually be wrong, who the <BLEEP> knows?)

I'm just a regular (er... for purposes of this discussion ;) ) guy. I kept records of what I grew, what I bred, backcrosses, different phenotype expressions, how they responded in terms of feeding, things I screwed up and didn't want to screw up in the future, etc. Then I lost those records... Computer crashes, lost or misplaced hardcopy notes, spouse asking me to quit the whole cannabis thing "because it started making her uncomfortable" (translation: she wanted a divorce, and wanted to look like the wronged party - so she decided to push the one button that she figured would cause me to refuse to <COUGH>"do the right thing" and allow her to exit stage left whilst shedding many tears and telling everyone that she tried, she really did... Only I thought about it for about two seconds and called someone to come over with a trailer to haul off everything even remotely connected with cannabis - boy was I stupid :rolleyes: ), getting so paranoid that I completely "sanitized" my home (three times and counting), et cetera.

So now I have to use my faulty and failing memory as a reference, because that's about all I have. And I have never been actively pursued by (sometimes multiple) LEO agencies. Nevil Schoenmakers, OtOH, was one of the targets of Operation Green Merchant in (IIRC) 1990, went to Australia, was arrested and held without bail for something like a year while extradition proceedings were going on, finally got bail, jumped bail six weeks later, fled to Amsterdam, et cetera. I would guess that he wasn't carrying his records around with him, let alone his breeding stock, lofl.

Just one example of disputed information: David Watson (aka "Sam the Skunkman") has always said that he personally supplied Nevil with the Original Haze seeds that were so instrumental in the creation of Nevil's Haze. But Nevil, IIRC, stated that he actually got them via some collector in New York who got the original '69 stock from the Haze Brothers (who weren't actually brothers, BtW). Now... Normally, if Watson says a thing and pretty much anyone in the universe disagrees with him, I'll probably believe the other guy (in the absence of actual evidence one way or the other, I mean), because Watson is a douche bag (of the highest caliber) from way, WAAAAY back who thought nothing of rolling on his friends in order to save his own skin (/stock/equipment/etc.), had some rather nefarious connections with the DEA that (among other things) helped him almost immediately get set up in the Netherlands with his company, Cultivator's Choice. (Instead of trying to extradite the guy for his Santa Cruz bust in '85, the D actively supported his activities in Holland, and was instrumental in him being granted a permit to grow cannabis there (he was the first to be granted one, actually) at a time when when several universities and domestic (Dutch) research groups with PHD’s and legitimate reasons for research were denied such a permit... his support was so overwhelming that he was given three greenhouses by the Dutch government at a time when others were having their equipment confiscated and they were sent to jail.) He (and Hortipharm) seem to have, as a goal, the intention to patent as much of the cannabis genome as possible in order to "own" it (Monsanto, anyone?). At a 1997 Vancouver Hemp conference, Watson spoke of his research. His main focus was to stop growers from cloning nor being able to create any seeds, from strains being bred in Amsterdam. In other words... yeah, "douche bag" definitely applies.

HOWEVER... With all of that being said, there is still a "one over (infinity minus one)" chance that he is correct and Nevil is mistaken. I mean... In terms of heads or tails, I'd say that, heads means Watson is lying and tails means he's not telling the truth - but if you flip your coin up into the air and, instead of it falling to the ground, God personally reaches his hand down from heaven and snatches the quarter away from you... then Watson might be the correct one here, lol.

To use the words of the late, great, Fats Waller, "One never knows, do one?"
At a 1997 Vancouver Hemp conference, Watson spoke of his research. His main focus was to stop growers from cloning nor being able to create any seeds, from strains being bred in Amsterdam.
I seem to have typed a bit more than I had originally intended. (Oops.) What I meant to type was simply: When it comes to the history of cannabis strains, only believe .00001% of what you hear or read - and question even that.

Interesting read....... IIRC, I haven't seen those letters put together for a long time. I was on there back in the mid to late 90's. Learned a lot. I was never into the history really.

I'm not sure that it's really important to me who did what at this point. But still nice to have some "legacy" guys in here. :thumb:
I was never into the history really.

I like to read, and have an insatiable curiosity about many things. So I tend to pick up odd bits of information here and there (much of which is probably of no use to anyone, including myself).

I'm not sure that it's really important to me who did what at this point.

Yeah... I kind of agree with that, to an extent. I liked Nevil's Haze (a LOT) back in the day, once I found a couple of mothers that fit me. They've been lost to me for years. If someone managed to recreate those specific phenotypes, and offered the seed for sale... Would I still buy some even if it was some random pollen-chucker? Ah, well, you know... Probably, lol. I have, upon occasion, broken down and purchased groceries at ChinaMart (and I hate that whole entity with a passion). I don't recommend that other people do so, and maybe this makes me a hypocrite. Then again, I have also gotten food out of dumpsters because that meant I would have something to eat that day - and I don't recommend people do that, either.

But still nice to have some "legacy" guys in here. :thumb:

Legacy, lol. If that is a kind and polite synonym for "Old fart hillbilly whose many hard knocks to the head and occasional chemically-induced holidays have left him dependent on many things staying the same in order to keep him out of Permanent Panic Mode at even the thought of having to do something differently than he did the day - and the past 10,000 days - before," then... thanks ;) .
I like to read, and have an insatiable curiosity about many things. So I tend to pick up odd bits of information here and there (much of which is probably of no use to anyone, including myself).

I'm like that. Much of what I know I taught myself, besides the electronics part. I refer to my situation as an extreme autodidact (self-taught).

Yeah... I kind of agree with that, to an extent. I liked Nevil's Haze (a LOT) back in the day, once I found a couple of mothers that fit me. They've been lost to me for years. If someone managed to recreate those specific phenotypes, and offered the seed for sale... Would I still buy some even if it was some random pollen-chucker? Ah, well, you know... Probably, lol. I have, upon occasion, broken down and purchased groceries at ChinaMart (and I hate that whole entity with a passion). I don't recommend that other people do so, and maybe this makes me a hypocrite. Then again, I have also gotten food out of dumpsters because that meant I would have something to eat that day - and I don't recommend people do that, either.

I didn't grow in the past (never finished a grow in the past). So I was never in love with anything specific. I was doing bagseed for the grows I started and didn't finish. Ah.....a man after my own heart. I only shop at China-mart if I can't find it anywhere else. It's surprising how much you can't find in this country anymore. I understand the situation.....

Legacy, lol. If that is a kind and polite synonym for "Old fart hillbilly whose many hard knocks to the head and occasional chemically-induced holidays have left him dependent on many things staying the same in order to keep him out of Permanent Panic Mode at even the thought of having to do something differently than he did the day - and the past 10,000 days - before," then... thanks ;) .

Yeah....but I was trying to be polite. :thumb:

I'm more redneck than hillbilly. I don't think you have too many years on me. Maybe more than what I am calculating, but still. I'm not as young as I used to be. I'm not much smarter either. I'm more of the,"Smoke this where you don't kill everyone who pisses you off on the road or stated something absolutely stupid to you." kind of guy. I stay isolated as much as I can, for the meds are hard to find, and my first grow isn't done yet. PTSD can be a real pain....... for everyone else. I have a severe allergy to stupid. Medication helps with that.
I feel like we've been chasing each other around the forum, having ONE conversation across several threads today.

Ohwaitaminute... :ciao:

Ah.....a man after my own heart. I only shop at China-mart if I can't find it anywhere else. It's surprising how much you can't find in this country anymore. I understand the situation.....

The closest I ever came to committing vandalism... Okay, the only time I ever committed vandalism was when I spent a week or so applying 500 "Friends Don't Let Friends Shop at WalMart" bumper stickers to people's vehicles. A lot of which happened... in WalMart's parking lot.

Yeah....but I was trying to be polite. :thumb:

No, lol, you were BEING polite. I try to be polite. Yes sir, no ma'am, please, thank you, excuse me, might I hold the door for your party of 50 to enter ahead of me even though y'all look to be in no rush and I have like 15 minutes to get my food, eat it, and get back to work, and-- OH <BLEEP>, LADY, YOU STINK, COULD YOU NOT STAND SO CLOSE BEHIND ME IN LINE?

No filters. But I do try to be polite.

I'm more redneck than hillbilly.

Not much difference around here. "Going to get something to eat" might involve pushing a shopping cart around a store... or carrying a shotgun and a sack.

I don't think you have too many years on me.

Who knows, I might be younger. I used to - and, occasionally, still do - say, "But I'm still a pup!" Although horse, my body, seems to disagree with me quite strongly, and to take every opportunity to prove it's the correct one. I'm not OLD. Just... Thrashed mercilessly and not well maintained, I guess. I actually won't even be 50 for a bit.

They say (they being a bunch of teenagers, maybe?) that you're only as old as you feel. So I guess I'm as young as a Spring breeze - and as old as the mountains.

I am officially old enough to know that, when Mom used to say, "You'll be sorry when you get older and hurt all day, every day, and even walking is a chore," that she wasn't lying.

But, mentally - and on a good day - I don't feel like I'm any older than I was when I was five, six years old. I never really played as a kid. Learned to read (from books, and PBS) at around age 3, fried eggs and sausage at 4 in hopes that Mom would actually come out of her bedroom and eat something, knew how to work the washing machine and dryer around that age, and was babysitting actual babies at age 7 when Mom was busy almost dying of pneumonia on the couch and the poor kids' mothers kept dropping them off anyway. And... I suppose I might be just a wee bit childish every now and then. So... No, not really seeing any difference, mentally, lol. I know more. But I don't know that I think more. And I cannot say that I ever had that dumb happiness that a lot of kids are lucky enough to have, before they begin understanding reality.

I'm not as young as I used to be. I'm not much smarter either. I'm more of the,"Smoke this where you don't kill everyone who pisses you off on the road or stated something absolutely stupid to you." kind of guy. I stay isolated as much as I can, for the meds are hard to find, and my first grow isn't done yet. PTSD can be a real pain....... for everyone else. I have a severe allergy to stupid. Medication helps with that.

Are you my long lost brother, LMFAO?

Time to stop playing forum tag for a while. Going to try to eat something. Have a great evening (afternoon, etc.).
Are you my long lost brother, LMFAO?

Time to stop playing forum tag for a while. Going to try to eat something. Have a great evening (afternoon, etc.).

Separated at birth I believe. :laugh:

I wasn't stalking you..... I promise... :cool:

I need to eat, but the spouse is not done with the chow.....I don't think.

I'm sure we will catch up later. :peace:
One more though on old strains and where they came from. It must be remembered that all these folks were testing their products. So the ones breeding the best strains were lucky to find their way home. Memories are always different. Then there are those that lie intentionally. The fact remains. Strains were traded and shared which is a good thing. Lots of other strains were lost because they were hoarded.
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