Hey Seedling,...nice lookin...Resin is comin on really heavy already...
About these sneaky pics, before lights 'on',..i was always worried about doing that , so wat i do is let the lights come on for a while, like an hour or so. Then i turn them off for the pics, then back on. Thats why , at the end of a grow my timers 'time' is always slower by a 1/2 hour or so. That was all the times i turned them off for a 'pic' session.
I believe if u take those 'flash' pics too early u might stress them somehow,..dunno. It just scares me blasting them with a deadly flash, before they are ready. Know wat i mean. The way i do it more resembles a cloudy 5 min's. or so since they are already accustomed to lights on. Cheers.