Hi, my name is Phantom and I’m a seed collector or “stasher”.
All: “Hi, Phantom.”
I guess it was today that I realized I have a problem. I decided to take my monthly dispensary allowance (currently growing my first plants in 10+ years) and spend it on seeds instead. I have seeds stored in my refrigerator, seeds en route via mail, and now more seeds on the way. It’s not like I need anymore seeds, I have more than enough to last me a full year but now I have 100+ seeds ordered. I feel like I have lost all control and addiction has a firm grasp of my green thumb and is unwilling to let grow. The only way I can shake myself of this addiction is to try and plant as many seeds as I have to keep my mind busy and as far away as possible from the
Sponsors’ websites and my bitcoin account. The addiction is real, you start out just an innocent hobby grower, the next thing you know, free seeds and discounts have you in a trance as you fill out the third order form this month.
I know I can’t be the only one suffering from this terrible, seemingly incurable illness, there has to be others like me. Please if you are like me, use this thread to share your struggles with seed stashing. We are here to help.
In all seriousness and joking aside, I have bought an ungodly amount of seeds these last 4-6 months. Luckily, I have a wonderful group of friends back home willing to take some off my hands to give loving garden homes to and promised to pay it forward to the gardeners they know.
I also want to thank the
Sponsors here, please look into buying from the people that support this forum before looking elsewhere.