Second grow 12/12 Lst SOG/SCROG

irish boy-i would be cool to compaire the density and maturity that come from the 2 different types of lights. As of now the big bud is about 2 weeks into flower the skunk#1 is only a couple of days younger but just starting to flower. the one on the top right of the group shots is the 5244 and the ziggy and the sprouts are on the lower left side they are about a week behind the 5244 which is about a week behind the big bud and the skunk#1 im not too scientific about all this.:smokin2: they are all flowering right now but the mother that the seeds came from was an early flowering strain. i ll post some shots of bud sites closer up tonight as long as my camera battery is charged back up.

if you wanna do a scientific study we should have a grow off of leds Vs hids and include everybody that is willing from the site we could have watt classes and strain types :grinjoint: what do you think?
here are some more pics a couple are of closer up shots of the buds. i took more but i had way too much caffeine today and couldn't hold the camera still to save my life. so this is what we are left with.
big buds main cola

5244 main cola

skunk#1 main cola

the rest are groups shots and stuff there are a lot and im too lazy to endure the tedium of labeling them.:smokin:
























the hermi came from seeds that were pollinated from a hermi so i think that is what you end up with males females and hermies.of 6 i got 2 males 3 females and 1 hermi. im still watching the top nodes for pollen sacs if it shows any im gonna pull it. i got plenty of hermi pollen in the freezer so if i need seeds and i got like hundreds from the last grow so im good for a long long time as far as that strain goes. but ziggy the hermie was a hermi from the start it didn't turn like its parent did. the only reason i think the strain has merit is that the original hermi was supposedly driven down from mendocino county and the one and only seed i got outta that sack.
so my conclusion is genetics. but the real truth lies in growing out all of the seeds.

does anybody think this is serious? its on the big bud it happened after the first transplant and a couple other leaves have the browning but not the yellowing its only on the water leaves and i don't see anything on the new growth and the buds look nice and healthy.
if anyone has an ideas or opinions it would be a big help
the browning looks like you dropped nutes on it. Is it only on a few leafs? I would also check the p.h in the soil. Just to make sure all is in order. the yellowing could be a nitro deficiency, but you want to check all the other options first. deficencies are a bitch to deal with so check the p.h, lower leafs for the same signs basiclly check all the other options before you start to play with the nutes.
hey butcher
thanx for the feed back unfortunately there are a lot more brown spots on a lot of leaves on the big bud (but the buds look just fine) and a couple are totaly brown and curled up on the ends i think i over did it on the nutes she is much more sensitive than the others. the 5244 is showing a little browning as well so im gonna only water them with plain water for the next week and then start back up with some light nutes. the skunk and the sprouts dont seem to mind but im gonna dilute what i used last time by about half just to be safe. an then we will see

so about 2 hour after i posted the above i checked the run off in my containers the three mature plants were around ph5 which i think is causing the browning and burning of the leaves the sprouts looked good maybe a bit high but ill keep them on distilled water only just to be sure. here are some pics of the damage
sorry this one is so blurry damn i didn't realize Arizona iced tea had caffeine and it gives me the shakes.


if any one out there has a second opinion it is welcome.
There are a lot more brown spots on a lot of leaves on the big bud (but the buds look just fine)
and a couple are totaly brown and curled up on the ends

i think i over did it on the nutes she is much more sensitive than the others.

If any one out there has a second opinion it is welcome.

Sounds like your on the right track.

It's probably a combo pH issue and over-nute.

I would wait and let it get extra dry, Maybe slightly drooping.
Then do a pure water flush and really soak it to get rid of any pockets of nutes.

Overall, nothing to worry about.
With what you are doing they will bounce back just fine.

Looking great man !
Hey thanx guys for the input.
I flushed them yesterday with distilled water and mixed with 3 cups of my tap water which is like ph 10 and i checked the run off 2 day and it was right between 6and 6.5 so i should be back on track. but im gonna lay off the nutes for the next 2 waterings and then go 1/4 strength from there. but ill make sure to ph the water this time after i mix in the nutes lol

ill try to post a few pics in the next couple of days if i have time.
hey butcher here are some pics i took at your request
her buds are starting to fill in now that she has slowed her stretch at 24"


you can see the ph burn mostly on the water leaves......mostly




Big bud
at about a foot tall and living up to her name




maturing in to woman hood. i pulled ziggy stardust 2days ago cuz some of hie/hes flowers were looking suspicious


ps how do you add links to your past grows to your signature?
those ladies are going to give you some proper colas. And that Big Bud just looks like it going to be a fatty for sure!!

And for the link issue:

1. Click the user cp button on the top left of your screen.
2. Click on the "edit your signature" button
3. in the message box click the globe with the lil chain link on it. See it? good, now delete the highlighted part when you click it, so its blank.
4.Paste this :
Second Grow 12/12 LST Sog Scrog[/URL

Your going to have to add a ] after it says URL at the end of it and it should add it to the bottom of all your post. Did it help?
butcher if that is the case then im jealous of your hearing
thanx irishboy im not 100% but i think is was a ph issue causing the problem when i tested them they were at 4.5 to 5 ph. i just got too crazy with the nutes. also i transplanted them 2wice in 2weeks and i dont think the ferts in the ffof had been used up from either transplant and things got outta wack but im gonna keep an eye on them on the next watering im gonna cut the very tip of all the leaves that are brown so i can tell if any others start to brown.
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