Skottelgoed Spons
Well-Known Member
Hiiigh all you great 420 peeps.
Lovely morning here from the west coast of south africa. Even though autumn started we are experiencing some heat that should have been here in February.
The urge to start a new grow was to great and I couldn't resist it anymore! I previously said I won't be starting a new journal soon due to lighting issues but my fiance psyced me up as she ordered a grow tent for me and I have a better light in the pipeline.
So I have decided let me give this a go again. Like she said before: jy het rooi miere in jou gat en kan nooit stil sit nie. (you have red ants in your arse and can never sit still) lol.
So what am I'm planning for this grow.
I have germinated 3 x big buddha cheese where by one has started to push the soil on top to say hi to the world. It has not pushed through completely but is getting there. Awaiting the other two to peek through and say hi to me aswell.
Soil: I will be trying a new soil mixture a good friend has given a recipe of that he has been making himself and had real awesome results from. Mixture will be 20% coco, 60% earth worm compost, 10% perlite and 10% vermiculite. I will also add a bit rock phosphate to the mixture and use mycorizzha for the roots when the root balls are formed.
Water: I will be starting off with plain tap water that I will be ph'ing for between ph 6.4 - 6.8 with a aerator in the bucket to add some oxygen for the little seedlings and will also then start to make compost water as they get bigger.
Nutes: nutes will be compost water and I will be using nutrifeed as I did with my previous outdoor and it gave me great results on those plants. I will also be looking to start adding mollasses when flowering.
Pots: seeds has been germinated into polystyrene cups and will keep the plants going in it for the next 2 - 3 weeks for the roots to develop in a solid ball before transplanting into 3l plastic pots where by this will go into 15l plastic pots for its final transplant.
Lights: currently seedlings will be under my diy light and 25w full spec for the next 2 - 3 weeks where they will go under a full spec 1000w grow light that I will be ordering soon.
Grow area/tent: currently seedlings is in my first indoor diy server case and will be moved into a mammoth pro 120 tent to venture in for the rest of its life span. I will be adding venting etc to the tent to keep temps correct as this will be my first tent grow.
Pesticides: I won't be using shop bought pesticides as I love to keep thing organic. I will be using my old method of chopped onion, crushed garlic, 2 drops of dishwashing liquid mixed in water in a spray bottle. This has given me great results and have been used in a few generations of my family.
For now this is it and hope to make a succesa of this grow.
Something for the eyes:
Lovely morning here from the west coast of south africa. Even though autumn started we are experiencing some heat that should have been here in February.
The urge to start a new grow was to great and I couldn't resist it anymore! I previously said I won't be starting a new journal soon due to lighting issues but my fiance psyced me up as she ordered a grow tent for me and I have a better light in the pipeline.
So I have decided let me give this a go again. Like she said before: jy het rooi miere in jou gat en kan nooit stil sit nie. (you have red ants in your arse and can never sit still) lol.
So what am I'm planning for this grow.
I have germinated 3 x big buddha cheese where by one has started to push the soil on top to say hi to the world. It has not pushed through completely but is getting there. Awaiting the other two to peek through and say hi to me aswell.
Soil: I will be trying a new soil mixture a good friend has given a recipe of that he has been making himself and had real awesome results from. Mixture will be 20% coco, 60% earth worm compost, 10% perlite and 10% vermiculite. I will also add a bit rock phosphate to the mixture and use mycorizzha for the roots when the root balls are formed.
Water: I will be starting off with plain tap water that I will be ph'ing for between ph 6.4 - 6.8 with a aerator in the bucket to add some oxygen for the little seedlings and will also then start to make compost water as they get bigger.
Nutes: nutes will be compost water and I will be using nutrifeed as I did with my previous outdoor and it gave me great results on those plants. I will also be looking to start adding mollasses when flowering.
Pots: seeds has been germinated into polystyrene cups and will keep the plants going in it for the next 2 - 3 weeks for the roots to develop in a solid ball before transplanting into 3l plastic pots where by this will go into 15l plastic pots for its final transplant.
Lights: currently seedlings will be under my diy light and 25w full spec for the next 2 - 3 weeks where they will go under a full spec 1000w grow light that I will be ordering soon.
Grow area/tent: currently seedlings is in my first indoor diy server case and will be moved into a mammoth pro 120 tent to venture in for the rest of its life span. I will be adding venting etc to the tent to keep temps correct as this will be my first tent grow.
Pesticides: I won't be using shop bought pesticides as I love to keep thing organic. I will be using my old method of chopped onion, crushed garlic, 2 drops of dishwashing liquid mixed in water in a spray bottle. This has given me great results and have been used in a few generations of my family.
For now this is it and hope to make a succesa of this grow.
Something for the eyes: