Scrumpdilly's First Time Grow - AK48 & White Widow Autoflower

Bender is set up in the drying box so I guess we're down to Smalls (AK48) now. Yellowing has spread to 3 more fan leaves but I'm not really worried about it as she'll probably be coming down in the next ten days. Better output than Bender, but still nothing crazy. Maybe a couple ounces? She's looking good and smelling better everyday. Trichs are mostly cloudy with a little bit of amber.



Very nice! I'm smoking on AK now actually. Have been for months. It's cured to a delicous sweet citrus smell and has a great all around hybrid stone. I had 2 different phenotype but effect wise they were similar. One more lemony slightly headier high.

Man that girl is stacking up nicely!
Re: Scrumpdilly's First Time Grow - AK48 & White Widow Autoflower

Ok well I had a little pot dropping mishap the other day so Smalls had to come down six days sooner than I would have liked. Not a huge deal but I would've liked the extra time. Day 76 from seed... 5.87oz! So I'm hoping for maybe just under 2oz dry! The house stinks and I'm going to bed happy


21 gram top.
Well with Smalls all dried she gave me just under two ounces. Bender is already up in smoke so I guess we can call this journal complete. Huge thanks to everyone that helped!
Congrats man! Looks like you got a great haul! On to the next one :3

Good stuff! .
Looking nice and frosty man, looks like a good dry too, well done!
Hope all is well in your world.

Thanks for sharing this grow with us.

Please head over to the 420 Strain Reviews forum and post your smoke report there too.

I’m moving this to Completed Journals now.

You can use the Report Post feature found at the bottom left of every post and we'll move it for you right away.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

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