Scott's & Seedsman Banana Jealousy Comparative Grow

Been almost 4 weeks now. Outdoors doing well even after the deluge or rain a few days ago. Had to fix a split quad, Hannah.

My horizontal is doing awesome even though my camera sucks. Getting a new phone, already shipped, and hope the camera is better.
Boo-boo, the massacerred id doing great for just 1 branch.
Its clone, Boo-boo junior has caught up just fine.
And finally, Andrea the quad.

I general, just keeping the bottoms trimmed, feeding them ans some LST. No problems whatsoever thus far! :yahoo:

About to start feeding them bloom nutrients. When it rained to much and couldn't add remo without over-watering, I just layered the tops with my home-made compost. Lot of top weeding to do, as to be expected.

Sorry for the shitty pics. These plants are doing great.

Thanks to all my friends who taught me thus far. Cheers! :slide:
Took Boo-Boo inside. Not bad for a plant that I snipped everything off but 1 branch. Looking like a quad-line.

Put the lights to 1 hour less than outside in hopes of avoiding stretch. I only have about 1 foot to lift the light.
I trained them putward to monimize height and light up the interior.
Thanks, @SeedsMan . Hassle free strain!

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Took Boo-Boo inside. Not bad for a plant that I snipped everything off but 1 branch. Looking like a quad-line.

Put the lights to 1 hour less than outside in hopes of avoiding stretch. I only have about 1 foot to lift the light.
I trained them putward to monimize height and light up the interior.
Thanks, @SeedsMan . Hassle free strain!

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correction! This is Boo-Boo Junior. The top that I clipped off by accident. Stuck it in a rooting thing with clonex and rooting powder. Accidently got a 2 for one. lol
One of my quads had a little bud-rot.
They were dark and the others weren't. so I chopped them.

her sister, Hannah... No problemo!

Boo=Boo junior doing fine, although I had to pick her up after the wind we got last night. Have her elevated to get more dawn-sun but she fell.

My first horizontal, loving it! Wish I had a better camera.
My only regret is not starting it 10 days earlier but all my lights were occupied.

Cheers, Gents!
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