Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

So it's GUMMIES DAY!!!!!!

so got new molds and decided to test the recipe a bit...gunna bookmark this, thus the long

I've used basically the same one
1/2c water to two small packs of jello, 4 packs of gelatin..yadda yadda yadda

I tried corn syrup recipe once.
2/3c water, 1/2 cup syrup, same same same
Cept then and before I used infused canna sucked assssss

Now last time, used top recipe with 1.3g of kief in 2t oil
Worked great..much more even dispersement of the oil
But was not a good texture

So if u notice, between the two recipes...much more liquid in 2nd one


Did that, with 2gr of kief, and it's AMAZING as far as texture

Ok let's talk my molds real fast

L to R
STD Gummy Bear mold about 1ml
Leif mold about 2ml
Dinosaur mold about 7ml
Jumbo Gummy Bears about 15ml

Finished batch
Grape crush x Jolly ranchers Watermelon...sooooo yummmmmmmmyyyyyyy

Recipe below made all this, Purple leaf one was full..and green dino was just that full


Ugghhhhhh cleanup sucks


I realllllllllly like Nuking it, much easier and ya can't OVER cook it

I'll test these for strength

Last batch was a bit...denser let's say, in composition and strength
But this batch does have 1/3 more kief but about at least 1/2 cup more liquid, so thinking it will be just about as strong

Fun fun fun

I gotta say

These gummies are the best I've made

Need to make some Indica Kief and CBD kief now

What do you think made the gummies better? In what way do you feel they are better? I’m new to gummies and any advice you’ve learned I’ll take
More liquid
Less oil
Corn syrup is good

Original batches used infused oil. About 1T ish
Where good but not Gummy texture
Tried it with corn syrup. Better but the oil still was an issues

These batches I used keif in 1.5t of oil, no corn syrup

1st waz really good but texture not right, needed more liquid

Last one, recipe I posted was perfect
Kief, more liquid, syrup, no oil... fantastic
Just gotta mix the kief better, maybe infuse the syrup a bit so it isn't clumpy

This last
Strange world we are in now

Market drops 7000pts due to a virus

Panic starts because of said virus

All team sports cancelled to the public

Hope all balances out soon

Be safe out there Bud Heads
You Jones it yet? That many TVs with the view, Oprah, price is right. Ouch no sports. Lol

It sucks

Even the XFL football was cancelled today

Only hope is the NFL free agency and draft

Let's hope the virus dies with the warmer weather and life gets back to normal
Wife works at a hospital

Keep waiting for her to get quarantined

We shall see

Me and Tiggernado have self quarantined ourself

Lots of food
Tv binging

He hasn't complained yet...he's a trooper, as long he is with me he is pretty happy, such a good BFF
GG4 is insane

Filling out the entire 4x4 tent

She better stop stretching, she needs to go in a 5gal soon and only about 16" of height left in there

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