Scooterb's 1st Closet Grow 2012

Yepper...the one they bought already set for electric hookup just need running of juice to da house!
I plan on a big screen (cable channels have music) + recliner + small fridge + what's behind door #2 :high-five:
For what they paid for theirs I can get one of my own once approved...would use 1/3 for growing :;):
Extras to get at Lowes would be: insulation + small A.C. + fan + drywall of some sort....ect

I like it!
Here's the little lass in her new surroundings :cheertwo:



she is going to love you long time:)
Sub in now should be interesting to see how she does! They are skinny as hell but the node sites are soo close together you should get some nice thickening toward end!
I also cut off 2 smaller lower branches, 1 off each for samples as I was hurtin big time. Set them up on the dresser overnight and at 5:40 this am I put what was there in my bowl and took 2 hits off it and still a nice head high as of 9 am. I can just imagine what this will do for me once finished and cured! :tokin:

Was kinda nice to smoke a puff & not take 2 extra strength migraine pills this mornin' :yummy:
quit that!:)
I also cut of 2 smaller lower branches, 1 off each for samples as I was hurtin big time. Set them up on the dresser overnight and at 5:40 this am I put what was there in my bowl and took 2 hits off it and still a nice head high as of 9 am. I can just imagine what this will do for me once finished and cured! :tokin:
Any suggestions? :hmmm::hmmmm: The girls in the closet (no they ain't gay :laughtwo:) are producing resin making it a little difficult to for me to breathe while sleeping. Any cheap remedies that I can try? It will probably get tougher on me as they finish up any suggestions would be :welcome::thankyou:

Oh and by the way...Happy Easter
Any suggestions? :hmmm::hmmmm: The girls in the closet (no they ain't gay :laughtwo:) are producing resin making it a little difficult to for me to breathe while sleeping. Any cheap remedies that I can try? It will probably get tougher on me as they finish up any suggestions would be :welcome::thankyou:

Oh and by the way...Happy Easter
sleep on the couch?:)
Happy Easter Scooter!
Hi fish - nope that ain't an option...guess I'll have to drink a bud since you guys say stop picking buds :hmmmm:

Hepa filters could help, if your not already you could put a vent in your closet that goes to a room you dont use often/ basment/ attic were either you dont mind smell or you cant filter it befor it even leaves the room : )
I live with my sister and her husband. I can use the closet but no construction, ie knock out walls cut holes for venting ect. They have a double wide modular home 6 years old so that's why if I get approved for disability did I mention the possibility of purchasing a shed.

:thanks: for the input tho...:peace:
I live with my sister and her husband. I can use the closet but no construction, ie knock out walls cut holes for venting ect. They have a double wide modular home 6 years old so that's why if I get approved for disability did I mention the possibility of purchasing a shed.

:thanks: for the input tho...:peace:

for sure, i always get schetch out having my grow outside for ammendments and laws and wat not, cops arnt alowed in my house with out no warent, even IF i did or DIDNT have a grow ; P. its one of thos things you forget a rouch on the table and bamm ur in jail.

I worry about pll geting nosie and looking through cracks or hearing fans so that one thing you just got to watch out for : )

GOOD LUCK THO hope you have no problems!
scooter you have like 2 months left on those pretty girls! plus or minus a couple weeks:)
sorry if I just pissed in your Post Toasties:)
but they do look awesome.
sending some reps:)
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