Green Crack Flower Day 63 (104 Overall) Chopped!
Woo! Long trim party today.
Finished the chopping of the Green Crack. Doing the 2 stage cut was definitely the way to go. Trichs on the lowers ripened up nicely with the 5 extra days. Had quite a bit of popcorn that were still cloudy but I will use for oils instead of smoking.
So here's the wet numbers:
First cut: 1005.4G/35.46oz Trim: 115G/4.6oz
Second cut: 1179.1G/41.59oz Trim: 249.5/8.8oz
Total: 2184.5G/77.05oz Trim: 364.5g/13.4oz
Estimated Dry Weight @20% 436.9G/15.41oz
If my runt had grown like the other I would have easily passed the pound mark. The rootball was much smaller that the others but I'm very happy!
THanks for staining my pretty roots GH lol
I moved the 2 green crack clones and the raging Black Jack from my spare bedroom into the tent. Should be about 4-5 weeks to finish them up. I think they will appreciate the lights! Tomorrow I have to get some stakes to tie up the Black Jack the colas are so heavy they are falling over. Did a couple temporary ties for tonight.
Black Jack in tent
Still have my other room with a couple black jacks, sour diesel, CBD Industrial and six shooters going. Maybe I will start a journal for the shooters after closing this out.
Will get final weights in a week or so.
Thanks to EVERYONE that cheered me on, helped with problems and taught me along the way. AWESOME community!