So most of the purple girl has been in jars for about a week now, so i figured id post a smoke report about her so far. I will mention thats i suck at trying to describe senses when it comes to cannabis, But i figured id give it a go anyways.
Taste wise to me its an earthy/ berry taste to it, but is still has some of that plant taste as well as smell, thats is until you put it in a grinder, then the smell comes alive! When grounds its has a strong smell of berries, and a strong almost gassy smell.
The high i get from it is more of an uplifting, yet space-y high. I get motivated to do things but then i start spacing out half way thru it. Lol i would recommend this as as after work or weekend smoke.
I know that it has definitely not reached its full potential only being in a jar for a week. But i am still loving it. These are my first autos and i will definitely be growing her again and she has made me want to try more autos. But over all she left me not quite satisfied, ao i am going to continue my quest searching for my favorite strains.
Smell: 4/10
Taste: 7/10
Appearance: 9/10
Difficulty to grow: 8/10
Highness level:5/10