SBG's Second Cabinet Grow Vscrog With Laughing Buddha Clones

Tuesday update Day 21 of flowering

The flowering Chamber is doing really well and I have my fingers crossed that it will turn out great.

they are both getting fed about once every 5 days with a watering of PH water of 6.3ish. in between feeding's.

they are being fed Gen/Org mixed in 1/2 gal jugs. 10ml Bloom, 6ml Cal/Mag, 10ml Bio/Marine, 2ml Bio/Bud.

And now some photos to go with the BLAH BLAH.

Oooh, their's always a but, isn't there.

The veg Chamber is still having a few probems other then me breaking off pieces of my mainline grrrr. I had increased the nutes I was feeding them about two feeds ago or two weeks ago. blahabhabb arhh doing it again.

the Texada timewarps responded well and are improving but the Laughing Buddha mother plant has something going on that is new since increased nutes.

any thoughts. anyone? mhhhhhhh.

One more photo of my not well Laughing Buddha mother plant. I think it's nute shortage but I did just increased the nutes. It starts out like the first photo at the end of post #41 and then ends up like all these ones and to boot it's only on one half of the plant. The half thats at the front of the Cabinet.

I agree with sphnx. It really does look like bug damage. Thrips and Mites both cause damage that looks similar to that, and I've never seen nute deficiencies that looked like that, but I could be wrong.

Half the plant damaged would make me think either roots, or exposure. Since it's at the front of the cabinet there's a possibility that pests got in, and that's where they landed?

Just trying to throw out some ideas... I could be way off.
Tuesday update Day 21 of flowering

Oooh, their's always a but, isn't there.

The veg Chamber is still having a few probems other then me breaking off pieces of my mainline grrrr. I had increased the nutes I was feeding them about two feeds ago or two weeks ago. blahabhabb arhh doing it again.

the Texada timewarps responded well and are improving but the Laughing Buddha mother plant has something going on that is new since increased nutes.

any thoughts. anyone? mhhhhhhh.


One more photo of my not well Laughing Buddha mother plant. I think it's nute shortage but I did just increased the nutes. It starts out like the first photo at the end of post #41 and then ends up like all these ones and to boot it's only on one half of the plant. The half thats at the front of the Cabinet.


Your leaf damage appears to either be from nutrient over spray, nutrient imbalance or pH imbalance in the medium or insect damage. I would carefully inspect your plants leaves for any insects. I would flush your pot with at least twice the volume of pH adjusted water as pot size. Can you verify that the front of your Cabinet is receiving full light coverage?
Howdy folks

Sorry it's been awhile. But with Christmas coming and all the other shit going on.

This is the story of what happens if you don't pay close attention to what's going on in your Cabinet.

the photo below is the progession of spidermites of one stem of my mother plant.

hopefully I have them under control now.

I have used Trounce on the plants, had them out of the Cabinet this morning cleaned everything in site and a few that weren't and will repeat the spraying again in three days and again in three after that. Want to spray the flowering cabinet but not sure about it since it's flowering and we are into day 32 of flowering.

Any thoughts?
oh no, mites...

yeah, I'd spray the flowering cabinet down still, but IDK what trounce is. I do know it would be safe to use something with spinosad like Monterey Garden Insect Spray (OMRI certified) on the plants (make sure you get the underside of the leaves and the top, and you get it into the buds), but I'd still probably do a bud wash at harvest. With any pests and sprays, you really should budwash.

I'd take the plants out and spray the cabinet down with the meanest stuff you have as long as your plants are under control. no need to be nice and organic if your plants aren't getting it on them. but if you're worried about buds brushing up against the side of the cabinet, use something like insecticidal soap (infused with hot pepper or garlic - or both - is an easy addition that wouldn't harm your plants and adds an extra layer of mite-fighting)

thats my two cents. Good luck! :Love:
Thanks for the comment SG

The active ingredients in Trounce are Pyrethrins and Insecticidal Soap (Potassium Salts of Fatty Acids 20%, Pyrethrins 0.2%)

Still think it's ok to spray the flowering Chamber with it. One plant in my Veg Chamber had them bad but none on the other two plants but sprayed them down anyway and the flowering chamber didn't really have any signs of problems. Just wondering if it should be spayed just to be on the safe side.

Predator Mites! Different species only hunt mites. When their food runs out they leave and die else where. I never spray anything on the buds..... Don't wanna be smokin any of that.
I guess the question here would be where do you get your hands on some predator mites?
idk where to get predator mites haha, but that trounce sounds like it should work for the cabinet, though I wouldn't be eager to smoke any pyrethrins :O brutal stuff. If you're gonna spray anything on the plants/buds, I'd get something like MGIS with Spinosad or Azamax.

or predator mites sound like they'd rock, I've just never used them personally. I'd love to see you kick their mitey asses with some predator mites and sell me on them. ;)
Time for a small photo update of the flowering chamber.

Day 33
Things are looking very frosty in there. I found one or two leaves with sucked out dots on them a few signs of mites, so I sprayed the underside of the plants with trounce ( no buds got the spray on them) and i will give all these buds when done a good washing before dry and cure.
That's your plant with mites? I've never seen a mitey plant look so good lol.

Good job taking care of it, it's obviously not progressing into a fatal infestation... yet. but in the future it definitely would be good to look into an organic spray derived from spinosad or azadirachtin (I know I'm repeating myself but hear me out) - they're basically just bacterial cultures that you spray on your plant. When the mites or any other pests eat some of those bacteria they aren't able to digest any more, so they just starve and die, and they say the half life of the spray is only 24-48 hours or so before it should all be gone.

The reasons I still wash afterwards are 1: for dead mites, mite poop, webbing, and any other junk inside your buds,
2: the spray, though they say it has a short life, seems kind of milky and frothy and smells weird, so I wash any buds that get sprayed.

and after the wash it really is just... bud. Good old bud. I don't get any weird tastes or grey ash, just delicious bud, a nice high, and a clean smoke.

But yeah looks like you're doing just fine for the time being! Just keep an eye on them! Don't want them to start building up a resistance to your Trounce. :Namaste:

Edit: I suppose I can't see up close - but from a distance those look like normal, miteless plants. Which is really surprising to me, because when I hear mites, I see cobwebs draped over buds and a colony of millions right out of my nightmares haha >.<
Thanks for the comments SG.

the mites were introduced by the stupid gardener, ME. a few months back I had a plant in our sunroom/Porch area flowering and decided to move it into the cabinet to finish it off, little did I know it was infested with spider mites. Most of the infestation was in the Vegging chamber not in the Flowering chamber.

I guess I'm lucky so far I see no webs and I'm hoping that is it but will keep an I out and will spray again in about 5 days. I will see if my local store has Azamax since I do know that the little buggers develop a resistance.

again thanks for the input folks

take care have fun
I have used Monterey Garden Insect Spray with Spinosad and Monterey All Natural 3 in 1 Garden Insect Spray to kill spider mites. I add 3-5 drops per gallon of Ivory Liquid Soap as a surfactant to help the spray stick to leaves and stems better. I spray every 3 days alternating the 2 Monterey products for 2 weeks to kill adults and larvae as they hatch. Sierra Natural Sciences also makes 2 products to kill spider mites SNS-217C Concentrate and SNS-209 Systemic Insect Control.

Monterey Insect Spray with Spinosad, Gallon - Perfect Gardens natural pesticides sns-217c natural pesticides sns-209
Hey SBG I wanted to edit something I posted here, I'm reading more about Organic Integrated Pest Management at the moment, and I learned I was perpetuating a myth that azadirachtin and spinosad are both bacterial cultures.

Spinosad IS based off a bacterial culture. Azadirachtin is not. It's a limonoid/secondary metabolite found in Neem seeds. and it degrades in 100 hours when exposed to light and water.

Just wanted to fix that misinformation. :Love:
Update Dec16th. day 34 of flowering chamber.

The last updated photos were the wrong ones these are the right dates.


I'm headed out today to find something else and the grow shop to help me control these #@#$%%^&%$ little buggers.
Sorry 2 hear about the mites. U might try ladybugs as a solution. They're pretty voracious and are pretty cheerful in their own right. There is a trick for using ladybugs as they tend to fly away.
The trick: fill a spray bottle 2/3 full with water and about 1/3 coke (or any pop w/sugar in it). As you open the ladybug carton to let them out, give them a light misting w/your spray. This doesn't hurt the Ladies, or the bugs. What it does, is glue their wings to their back for 2-3 days. Long enough for them to feel like they're at home. Then, they'll stay put. Hope this helps.
wow turns out I actually have predatory mites, I just never bought them LOL. Just found out today, thought I'd mention that since we were talking about it. :o

good luck finding something to help!! I'd give you some spare predators if I could haha.
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