Sax's Blue Dreams & Granny's CBD Zkittlez, Root Farm Hydro Potting Mix, Photos

As a first timer - this is a really useful set of pics and words to document the grow. Put a smile on my face when the flowers first started presenting!

Apologies if I missed the detail - but when you flipped the on/off timing for the flowering phase - did you alter the lighting or are you still on the CFL setup you mentioned at the beginning of the thread?

As a first timer - this is a really useful set of pics and words to document the grow. Put a smile on my face when the flowers first started presenting!

Apologies if I missed the detail - but when you flipped the on/off timing for the flowering phase - did you alter the lighting or are you still on the CFL setup you mentioned at the beginning of the thread?


I have some cfl bulbs just for some supplementary lighting on the sides, I have a 135w hlg quantum board 3000k hanging about 18" above them right now. I will upload some new pics right now.
Day 37 of flower
Captains log,
I have reached the final frontier, jarring day. Final dry weight are 76gs and 95gs for a total of just over 6 Oz's. Made some cannabutter my trim. The smell of the buds are very fruity and berry like. Commence cure.
Just recieved my seeds in the mail today for my next run which will be a couple G13 autoflowers and a Blue City Diesel (NYC Diesel x Blueberry) autoflower...
Grow Journal complete.
Hope all is well in your world.

Thanks for sharing this grow with us.

Please head over to the 420 Strain Reviews forum and post your smoke report there too.

I’m moving this to Completed Journals now.

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Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

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