Savant's Silly Closet Grow - Feminized Power Plant

so dispite the mess this grow is rn it's still going strong and chugging along, I'm pretty sure I've solved the problem I was flushing with plain water instead of water with atleast calmag in it and I guess that was not appreciated but it has now slowed down now that I'm back to regular feedings so hopefully it didn't affect the yield too bad but time will only tell

there's still alot of green I was worried it would be fucked from lack of leaves to absorb light so now I'm trying my best to preserve all the green leaves I can

bud wise though it's looking really good surprisingly it doesn't even look like it has been affected by the misfortune

she's definitely not the prettiest at all but looks isn't what matters to me
I haven't updated this in a bit, the flowering stage is a big uneventful honestly she's still chugging along it's surprising how the buds are still developing dispite how wrecked the foliage is, also I'm thinking my problem could be a phosphorus toxicity honestly might be going a bit too strong with it with the nutrients I'm use and that's locking other nutrients out

but the buds are getting big and fat and the smell is beautiful honestly, every time I open up the doors I get hit with such a pleasant smell, it's about week 7 of flower now so she's bound to be finished soon since power plant is a 8-11 week strain though I am a bit worried all the stress from the deficiencies has set it back a bit
it's been a bit, the flowering stage is kinda when everything is on autopilot but it's a big day today, she may not look the best but the buds are getting so fat she's starting flopping all over the place from the weight, week 8 just ended and she's right at that perfect point of just finishing up at peak THC content so I'm gonna let her run a few Days to dry the pot out and cut her down to dry probably


also here's some trichome pics for the people into that, shes looking mostly cloudy with amber sprinkled in and that's honestly exactly where I like it especially with how sedative power plant can be alone and I definitely love smoking it more for the cerebral affects it has so mostly cloudy is perfect for me

all these pics were from different areas of the plant from top to bottom so I know what state the whole plant is and not just the tops, And then I'm letting her go a few more days just as insurance to make sure it develops enough
okay so bad news guys I think when I watered last night the humidity rose too high in the dark hours so I should of harvested right when I said I would like to rather than waiting so now she's hanging to dry the rest are completely fine since I caught the overnight case quickly but I'm still alittle sad because the tops are always the prettiest

but now we just wait for it all to dry out so see y'all then probably, hopefully drying won't be too bad since my area has been a good 40-50% humidity on its own and that's good enough for me to hang to dry and not do anything to control the environment

hi I totally forgot about this but she's dried trimmed and jarred up and I've been smoking it a bit and I can definitely say it is an amazing smoke too

I didn't weight her before dipping my hand in the cookie jar but this is a success for me since last grow I couldn't even fill half of these jars and now I have two filled to 3/4s

I apologize for how underwhelming this grow journal was I still gotta figure out how to do this right so next grow we'll see, especially since it's gonna be a feminized seeds producing grow
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