Sauga's First WW Indoor Grow, LED Style

Strain: White Widow - Quads
Flowering: Day 4
RH: H77% L33%
Temp: H85F L68F

Playing around with the lights off temp. I'm trying to get that up a bit through a heater. The bounce in humidity that I'm watching should be helpful during flower if I remove my humidifier. Looks like it gets pretty low.
I did some training on the quad on the left and a little on the right one. The right side is staying tight so it seems I need to force her over once she gets some stretch going. Both look real healthy and they are taking well to the Mega Crop. They had their second feeding at a slightly stronger dose but still under manfac recs, not by much though.

On to the problem child. I keep checking her new growth and it looks great. Both the girls outside got a good dose of MC as well for their second feeding. Denice, the better of the two, must have had a N def because you can really start to see her pull in a darker green.
One of the things I need to watch for is too much green and tips burning, which by MC's account is too much nutes.
So these four pics are of new growth around the plant.

Finally I love taking pictures, mostly of nature, animals, and landscapes. Here's a few that I snapped today. My favorite is the first one, as the sun really brings the plant to life in the picture.

And finally, finally, a pic of the milk residue on the leaves after 18 hours. Not bad at all.

Can't hardly tell they were sprayed.
No, and yet when first sprayed you could really see the milk on the leaves. It seems they absorbed the color and all. There seems to be enough solids in the milk that it stays on the plant without having to add some sort of binder. I was happy with the ease of spraying the 2% milk with the sprayer.
I'm leaving them be for the next few days now to see if we got 'em all.
They will have eggs hatch so another spray will be needed.

Yup yup! Looking good. I would give them another dose of milk in another day or so. That way you hit any of the newly hatched eggs.

Thanks guys, ya I did it again last night before I went to bed. In total they have had two neem sprays, one alcohol/water mix, and two milkshakes, all within 5 days.
So obviously aggressive is better. The plants don't look stressed, maybe a little floppy because it's had plenty of water...only because I'm trying to get some nutrients in her during this stretch and she's not showing any signs of nute burnout. She's a real fighter I tell you.

She doesn't look stressed so do you think another round of any one of the mixtures above is OK to apply again? Or, should I just let her sit and rest for a spell. We have some real hot weather coming up so I don't want to overdo things, or underdo for that matter.
OK will do.
I like the milk spray the most. It's the only one that I have seen that is leaving a coating on the leaves. That doesn't mean the other mixtures weren't working, but pyschologically it seems better when you see it still on the leaves. I don't have the urge to keep spraying.
The fan leaves have grown out so much on the new growth now and you see the film of milk still there. From what I have read about these mites is that they go for new growth and don't stick around long before hitching a ride. I'll be checking for fresh egg rows on the new growth as well which will tell me if the mites were there or not.

Thanks again!
Strain: White Widow - Quads
Flowering: Day 5
RH: H57% L42%
Temp: H80.2F L69.6F

Nothing new other than did some bending on the quads.

And the others outside. I didn't see any mites on a couple of selected leaves but I'll check again in the morning more in depth.

Looking good MS
Looking my great buddy. New growth looks beautiful!
Thanks guys... after a day or two of good new growth it really shows signs of Ca def, or mites still. Both symptoms look the same except Ca def if I'm correct doesn't show the tips twisting to the left or right. And I have looked all over the plant for any mites and can't spot them. It almost resembles a pH fluctuation still but I don't see all the symptoms either. So I'm completely confused. I have to treat it as mites, since my pH has been fine, and the Ca is going in with the MC feedings.
I gave it another good spray tonight and will look again for eggs or mites in the morning.

The other plant sits right next to her. Would it not make sense that the mites would migrate to the other plant? This is what is really confusing. I'm not treating the other one at all and yet she looks healthy as you have seen in other pics.
OK will do.
I like the milk spray the most. It's the only one that I have seen that is leaving a coating on the leaves. That doesn't mean the other mixtures weren't working, but pyschologically it seems better when you see it still on the leaves. I don't have the urge to keep spraying.
The fan leaves have grown out so much on the new growth now and you see the film of milk still there. From what I have read about these mites is that they go for new growth and don't stick around long before hitching a ride. I'll be checking for fresh egg rows on the new growth as well which will tell me if the mites were there or not.

Thanks again!
Your welcome champ
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