To further complicate things.
I came across this during my morning coffee/research time.
I sent them another email as well.
Sorry to further complicate things by not keeping up with this thread as well as I could have. Thank you to @Mr. Krip for taking the extra time and effort to stop by my thread with the info that he got by emailing the folks, so I would stop putting out bad information about Geoflora's compatibility with soilless systems.
Thanks, Em!
The info is actually from a post by @GeoFlora Nutrients in my journal regarding a conversation on the compatibility with coco. Here's the exact response:
Happy to clarify here Mr. Krip! You are spot on with your guess - Geoflora pairs well with soil and inert soil-less media like coco and peat, which actively benefit beneficial bacteria populations due to the high presence of lignins in these materials, which are readily degraded by aerobic bacteria and contribute to the humic content in the medium. These blends also provide good aeration (especially when combined with fabric pots), helping support aerobic bacteria populations. As you noted, we generally do not recommend utilizing Geoflora in a strictly reservoir based system - it is not fully water soluble, and this method does not allow enough time to fully breakdown those slower releasing nutrients.
The breakdown process is aided first by moisture, and second by the presence of bacteria in our blend which break down the nutrients into available forms. When using soilless blends with Geoflora, the best practice is to maintain a moist growing media to keep the bacteria happy and consistently breaking down that organic matter and solubilizing nutrients.
In practice, this really doesnt look much different from what you would do with any other soil-less or soil based grow system. So long as there is some moisture present, and a stable consistent source of organic material (like that provided by Geoflora) our bacteria are constantly working to break those nutrients down.
Hopefully this helps clarify some of the confusion!