Sativacat's Soil Tent Grow - Five-o & Alpujarrena - First Grow

re: Sativacat's Soil Tent Grow - Five-o & Alpujarrena - First Grow

I'm subbed your girls are looking good Sativacat. :thumb: In no time they will fill up that tent.
Happy Growing
re: Sativacat's Soil Tent Grow - Five-o & Alpujarrena - First Grow

Yes, they should be that tight! They are looking great :D check for roots showing at the bottom of your huffy pots. I'd drop em in bigger pots now!
re: Sativacat's Soil Tent Grow - Five-o & Alpujarrena - First Grow

Yep I agree with Boogyman. Your girls have good color and nice growth. My rule of thumb is if the plant is as tall as the pot its time to transplant.
Happy Growing
re: Sativacat's Soil Tent Grow - Five-o & Alpujarrena - First Grow

I like that rule of (green) thumb, thanks COgrower419.

Looking real good Sativacat, this is why I like watching new growers, they ask all the questions I would if my grow was going. Real cool.

And buy the way Reps for COgrower419 for the info. And Reps for you Sativacat for asking and having, and this fine grow.

Just in case you can find your Reps & Likes upper left side button that says User CP. Thanks again.
re: Sativacat's Soil Tent Grow - Five-o & Alpujarrena - First Grow

Things have been moving along and I am no less excited about this new hobby as I was a month ago when this started. I look forward coming home each day and peeking in on the plants. A few days ago I dropped the peat pots into bigger pots as suggested earlier.

If you scroll up the last picture I posted was of #5 who has grown quite a bit that last photo. This is what she looks like tonight.

#5 is looking happy. Leaves look yummy!

#4 was the fastest grower early on.
Unfortunately I am getting a bit of yellowing. I am guessing it might be overwatering. Ive not watered today. Soil near stem feels moist and cool to the touch. Any thoughts?

#4 on the morning of 5/9

#4 on the evening of 5/11
re: Sativacat's Soil Tent Grow - Five-o & Alpujarrena - First Grow

easy way to know when to water is just by picking them up and feeling their weight. i let my plants get pretty dry before watering again, in my opinion it makes them really thrive! you could probably snip those bottom leaves off too if you wanted but it's not necessary. looking real nice man :D are you feeding at all?
re: Sativacat's Soil Tent Grow - Five-o & Alpujarrena - First Grow

#4 is looking even more sickly tonight. I might try something drastic tomorrow. I dropped the whole peat pot thing into the soil rather than transplant it. I am thinking it is trapping too much water, soil outside the pot area is dry while soil inside the pot area is still moist after a couple of days without water.

Ive been on only water, no nutes yet. #4 is about a month old. Moved into this bigger pot a week or so ago.
Could this be an N deficiency or just simple overwatering?

** Lower leaves are drying up, top leaves are starting to go the same way.

** Top leaves are looking a bit yellowish.

** Its more visible with the LEDs turned on. No, the other plants dont look like this.

Any thoughts would be most appreciated!
re: Sativacat's Soil Tent Grow - Five-o & Alpujarrena - First Grow

Feed them all with the recommended dosage IMO. You should have watered enough by now to flush the nutrients out of the soil, now they need some more food! Dose them according to early stage growth I would say, prob 1-2tsp per gal, dunno your nutes specifically.
re: Sativacat's Soil Tent Grow - Five-o & Alpujarrena - First Grow

Your plants are large enough to begin receiving 1/4 strength nutrients. The yellowing of your leaves is a nitrogen deficiency.
re: Sativacat's Soil Tent Grow - Five-o & Alpujarrena - First Grow

In the time since my last post ...

Some plants have grown. Some refused to grow. Some have gone yellow. One plant has grown like a weed. Lastly, little black bugs have run amok.

4 and 6 are indicas with 1 and 5 being the tasty sativas.

On 5/6 I moved all the plants to their full sized pots. Two days later 4 started to yellow up the bottom leaves. As those bottom leaves got more and more yellow it started to look like a magnesium deficiency. The yellow was moving up the plant and on the suggestion of another forum member I started spraying all the plants with a very dilute nute solution. #4's dying leaves continued to die though the top leaves regained most of their color. Nightly foliar feeding was a good idea. #5 sprung out some quick growth.

On the 18th I noticed a few little bugs crawling across the soil of #6. Suddenly it was clear. Bugs are chomping on my girls. #4 and #1 are going yellow. #6 is barely growing and recently going a bit yellow.

On the 19th sticky traps went out and quickly got covered in bugs. On the 22nd I watered in some pulverized mosquito dunks (Bacillus thuringiensis). Tonight I noticed that while there are still bugs crawling around the top of the soil the number is significantly less. I've also noticed that they are more active in the afternoons than early mornings. Also interesting is the sheer number of the bugs that have managed to suicide themselves by flying into the humidifier. Tiny little winged lemmings.

All the plants are the same age except for #6 who is a week younger.

#4 was the early superstar. Quick growth until she went into her big pot.

#6 is barely growing and over the last couple of days there is more yellow.

#1 isnt looking too happy at all.

#5 is looking and smelling great. I noticed a faint whiff of that distinct aroma today for the first time while unzipping the tent. As far as I can tell this plant is culprit. Bugs are in this soil too and I am hoping the mosquito dunks will do their job before much damage is done.

re: Sativacat's Soil Tent Grow - Five-o & Alpujarrena - First Grow

Fungus gnats? Ugh..

I am thinking they are fungus gnats. Cleaned out the humidifier this morning and found hundreds of them underneath it. All dead. I just cant believe how many were down there.

I am not sure I caught and treated early enough for most of the plants. Time will tell.
re: Sativacat's Soil Tent Grow - Five-o & Alpujarrena - First Grow

The battle rages on!

6 days into the fight against the dark army there is a definite reduction of adults. Either that or they are smart enough to avoid the sticky traps. They are still there as I can see a significant number of them crawl across the soil. I've noticed that they aren't too keen with the breeze from the fan. I shut off the fan today to see if this encourages them to fly up and out and embed their accursed little bodies in the goopy traps. My plan is to laugh maniacaly at them as they starve to death.

Also considering adding a little more mosquito dunk and watering that in. Last watering was 5/21.

On the bright side I have been foliar feeding with very dilute nutes every night and have seen some quick growth on plants 4 and 5.

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