RV Shower Multi Strain 300w LED Organic Grow

Re: RV Shower Multi Strain 600 Watt Organic Grow With Blue Planet Nutrients Farmers P

Day 24 update

Nothing much to update really. Plants are growing and suckin up the water. Im gonna get a T5 for veg and build my veg tent next week some time and then Ill transplant into the 2gal smart pots. I did a little crimping on the 1st node to slow them down a bit cuz I have to wait til next week to order the 300W Quantum LED Grow Light | Grow Stealth LED | 3W LED Grow Lights Ill be using for flowering and dont want too much height before it arrives.

Heres a couple pics I just took

Re: RV Shower Multi Strain 600 Watt Organic Grow With Blue Planet Nutrients Farmers P


Since the last update I moved which is why I had to wait to transplant and order lights. Today Im ordering the 250W Pro-Bloom LED Grow Light | Grow Stealth LED | 3W LED Grow Lights yesterday I bought 2 T5 dual lamp fixtures and replaced the 150w HPS and transplanted into 2 gal smart pots with fresh 2:1 FFOF/Coco which I added 2tsp of the root magic mycorrhizae into each hole than placed the root ball into the holes then watered with plain water around the edges for the roots to seek out. I figure Ill wait another week before adding nutes so I dont burn them again.

Heres some pics of the roots


These are after the transplant


These are this morning 24 hrs after transplant

Re: RV Shower Multi Strain 600 Watt Organic Grow With Blue Planet Nutrients Farmers P

They look great dude. Keep it up. I am really looking forward to the finish.
Re: RV Shower Multi Strain Organic Grow With Blue Planet Nutrients Farmers P

Thanks guys.

We're at DAY 35 now and 5 days after transplanting they needed some water so i just turned on the shower and soaked em all a little bit and didnt measure the amount of water this time.

I forgot to mention that when I transplanted I rearranged the order they are in so Im gonna post the before pics with locations and then todays pics with new locations for whoever is keeping track

Heres the before pics from 11 days ago with locations being



These are todays pics with new arrangement being



Theres some lower branches shooting up on the SS plants small branches starting on the PK and just little sprouts comin out on the PP. Im gonna give em another week or so then make clones from the tops and leave 6 or 8 branches per plant.

Im hoping to have my 250W Pro-Bloom LED Grow Light | Grow Stealth LED | 3W LED Grow Lights by Friday then I just might flip a couple SSs cuz my stash is dwindling and Id rather buy seeds than smoke. I have some Mango seeds from an outdoor harvest a couple years ago Im thinkin about droppin in some water too so theres more to come. :)

** I dont know why the link for the light says 250w but the site says 300w but I did order the pro bloom one**
Re: RV Shower Multi Strain 600 Watt Organic Grow With Blue Planet Nutrients Farmers P

yea I cant wait to try it out and Im anxious for something in flower mode. Its been about 6 months since I had anything goin and thats all gone now and I havent had any of the skunk for almost a year now so really lookin forward to that. My last 2 harvests were not that great due to heat, humidity and those dreadful spider mite f**ks.
Re: RV Shower Multi Strain 600 Watt Organic Grow With Blue Planet Nutrients Farmers P

I have been lucky in the S. Mite dept. but have been unlucky in the damm Powdery Mildew section FU%$NG PM lol.
I think you will luv your LED light I know it took a little dialing in but I love mine. My seedlings are a couple of weeks behind yours but are starting to look like plants now. 4th true set and their 1st feeding as of yesterday :)
Soon I will start my journal.
Re: RV Shower Multi Strain 600 Watt Organic Grow With Blue Planet Nutrients Farmers P

Im not sure exactly on the date I was told today or beginning of next week. I found out 2 days after placing my order that he didnt have the pro bloom in stock so had to have it shipped from the manufacturer which is over seas apparently and wont have a tracking number until it reaches the U.S. Im being positive at this point but it is a bit frustrating to spend 750$ and not have any info other than "its on the way and Ill call you as soon as I get a tracking number" a week later.
Re: RV Shower Multi Strain 600 Watt Organic Grow With Blue Planet Nutrients Farmers P

I just did a search of the skunk#11 and read the first 4 reviews that came up and Im thinkin that may be what I have. I was told it is Super Skunk but I never thought it looked like the pics of SS that ive seen online and the description of Skunk#11 sounds like what I have

"Skunk#11 delivers a famously enjoyable anti-anxiety high that relaxes the body and soothes the soul. The stone is satisfying, high, chilled and erotic. Yet it has enough energy to allow you to function if you need to get things done. In this respect Dutch Passion calls it a 'medium stone' which many prefer to an 'all-out' incapacitating stone"

"Creeps, tricks you into smoking a full bowl to yourself, and once it kicks in it’s a geeking amazing paradise".

I have not tried any other skunk strains except the Purple Power which is Purple Haze x Early Skunk and is an awesome strain the taste smell and buzz are great from her but Ive never been able to get the purple color in the buds whether thats due to temps or harvest time I dont know. I have always counted flowering days starting the day I switched to 12/12 but have read recently that is not right and I have actually been harvesting a week or 2 early. I will be getting a scope soon which is something Ive never had either I just went by the days the breeder lists for the strains and always had good bud.

Anyway Im baked on some PP now so Ill stop ramblin and post a little update since Im here

Im not watering til tomorrow but Im also thinking about topping and cloning em all after I water. I measured today and the shortest which is PP is 8.5 inches tall and the tallest SS2 is 13 inches. I also dropped 4 seeds in shot glasses of water, 2 mango seeds I got from a friends outdoor harvest 2 years ago and 2 more seeds from the same years harvest that were free mystery seeds they got with the seed order and I dont have a clue what that strain is or remember it really but I kept the seeds in my safe for some reason so it musta been good smoke lol.

Heres what we look like on Day 39

the cup in the bottom center of the pics is an avocado seed in coco just for somethin different to try

I took off all the old leaves that had burns on them and have been pinching to try and slow growth til my light comes
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