Rosetta Stone - 2x4 Tent - 220 Watt - Soil / When to Flip to Flower?

Another point to pruning I don't think was mentioned is air circulation. Without circulation at the bud sight, the plant will not focus on a flower. These are wind pollinating plants. More air means more potential for pollination so it focuses on bigger flowers that are in the wind to catch the pollen. The plant isn't making big sticky buds for you. It is just trying to increase its odds of reproducing.
I've been pruning as suggested and have stretched the plant to the edges of the tent. Being careful with nutrient changes but have now snuck in a watering with a product call Big Budd. Maybe BS but I figured I'd try. Thoughts are welcome. The tent environment is now amazing stable versus earlier times.


It looks happy and healthy and LARGE Donald! :Rasta:
Twenty-eight days into flower of an expected 54-60 days per information on this strain. Things seem to be on target. It’s clear from the top view photo how different training/shaping techniques yielded different results.
If there are any ways to optimize in the final flower stage please share.

That is one FINE GIRL! It does not seem like a first grow… IT IS HUGE!!! You might want to check your thumbs… cuz they are surely GREEN! :thumb::yummy::high-five::woohoo::popcorn:
Another point to pruning I don't think was mentioned is air circulation. Without circulation at the bud sight, the plant will not focus on a flower. These are wind pollinating plants. More air means more potential for pollination so it focuses on bigger flowers that are in the wind to catch the pollen. The plant isn't making big sticky buds for you. It is just trying to increase its odds of reproducing.
Sativa1970 is right about circulating the air. If you don’t have any fans running under the plant on the lower section, just a bit of airflow down under could maybe help too, as well as it might help lower your humidity a bit. Doesn’t need to be pointed AT your girl, just some circulation of the air down under. IMO, humidity that high when late flowering can lead to moldy buds. You’ve worked way too hard to have mold ruin your crop at the end. As my buds get denser, I try to keep RH closer to 40-45%. I’m not the most experienced grower here tho, so what do others think?

Hafta also suggested and showed an image of side lighting. That would increase those outside buds to produce bigger buds because your light is mostly focused on the center taller buds, as it should be. So maybe you don’t want to mess with a good thing?!? You could always add CFLs to the outside real easily. I can’t remember if they should be warm or cool CFLs tho in flowering? Been awhile since I’ve grown, just starting back now and don’t even have a seed in yet!

PS Have I said how wonderful you have done to make this HUGE beautiful plant? Kudos Donald H!:high-five:
:hug::hug::hug:Big Granny Hugs:hug::hug::hug:
I can’t remember if they should be warm or cool CFLs tho in flowering?
Room humidity is a secondary metric. It is the humidity at the leaf surface that matters. 60% in the room could be 80% at the leaf with no air flow since the leaf is the source of the humidity. circulation pushes moist air off the leaf.

Blue, at least 6000K for veg and red, less than 3000K for flower. CFL are good at 4-6 inches. The wrong light is better than no light. Even a 60 wat LED shop light will add to production. It's just a question of how efficiently is money spent on the light and power converted into yield. Ultimately, any thing you grow yourself will be better and cheaper than what you can buy.
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