I'll tell you another one that my cousin did.
We had a small outdoor going on (something like 12 plants each and there was three of us). We all had our own little grow spots but they were all located fairly close together. Well, my cousin had been involved with a HUGE indoor operation for a few years and was doing this for a side project. My other cousin and I were doing it for experience. Anyway, we were all going down to this spot everyday for weeks on end until my cousin got tired of hiking the mountain. So he decided to run a small drip line to his plants. When the valve was on the drip line would get cut off but when we closed it the drip line would start back up. We had problems with the water line several times and I knew it wasn't a good idea for him to leave them without attention but he was the older of us all and had, by far, the most experience. Well one day we water our plants and it had been a few days since my cousin had been down to see his. A few days later we all went down there to take a look at them. My cousins drip line was set too high and it drowned the plants. They were bent over and not looking good at all. They ended up surviving but they didn't do very well in the end. The moral to this is that even though you don't want to mess with your girls too often, you can't get lazy and not tend to them. The one time you think all will be good and you go camping is the time when you will come back to find SOMETHING has gone very wrong. Growing takes patience, self control, and most of all perseverance. You got to be dedicated or you're just fooling yourself. And remember, my cousin "knew what he was doing". This is a learning business. You will never know it all.