RoleModel's picture thread

Smoking some more of the silver haze and hash..





i dont think i could take a 100% weed blunt. nice one rolemodel :).

i'm also loving those pics of hash you put up. damn. i've never had any before...
Just some pictures from last night..


Pure weed joint..


Those are some beautiful flowers role, and what a nice spot for an evening joint.

How often do you smoke pure cannabis joints compared to mixing it? Also,what ratio of cannabis/tobacco do you usually put in?

Thanks for sharing bro
Smokin.Moose> What do you mean?

OnionGobbler> Thanks. I rarely smoke pure cannabis joints, but I do enjoy a blunt with nothing but weed in it from time to time. But I'm used to mix with tobacco (but toast it first, since I don't smoke cigs and you can taste the weed better)

It's different how much amount of weed/tobacco I put in my joints/blunts. All depends on how many you are smoking, the quality of the weed and so on. But I guess around 30-40% toasted tobacco and 60-70% weed. (It's hard to tell with hash)

Here's a couple of pictures of the rest of my stash..


Yup, it's the last of the Silver haze.. First time I've tried the strain, but not the last. Pretty good weed..
When I bought the weed, it was around 15grams.. I've smoked a lot of it the last couple of days, but also gave some of it away to friends in need, who have helped me out on a rainy day.. But there's still something left, I just need to get some blunts in the house!
They smoke me out when I'm outta weed and hash, so the least I can do is to smoke them out as well. And I gave a bag to a friend of mine, who gave me the piece of hash for free. So we help each other out around here, it's nice..
That's what me and my friends do, although they tend to be less on the giving side!

Question; why do you mix tobacco with it :?

is it just so it burns longer?
What StonerGrower4 said, the joint will burn more evenly, and plus it's a european thing. I think it's because we smoke more hash than weed over here (well the most people I know do) So we are used to mix toasted tobacco in our joints, even if it's weed.
anywhere with a funny accent then :p

just kidding.

Haha maybe fallen..

Well, finally got a couple of blunt wraps, havn't smoked these in a long time. :smokin: Smoked a pure weed (silver haze) strawberry/kiwi blunt when the time here in Denmark hit 420 (A couple of hours ago)


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