RoleModel's picture thread


New Member
So here is the beginning on my picture thread.. Just got around 12-13 gram og napal hash, first time im going to smoke that so im looking forward to it! Here it is along with a blunt..

Awesome man! Enjoy that!
You damn Europeans and your hash! Lucky bastards!
Well it was supposed to say nepal and not napal :) hehe yeah we got some good hash over here, but i think you got better skunk/pot over there! Well its hard to get some good stuff around here, but i could imagine that Christiania in Copenhagen have some good stuff, but its so damn far away..
damn but u guys can roll joints and blunts very well over there. awesome man
Thanks you pyro.. Oh yeah im stoned right now..

Is that an HP camera?
Yeah it is.. but its not mine, its my dads.. But i hope to find one soon when i have some more cash..

I gave $55 for the hash, some of my friends just took a trip to a place called The Thy Camp (Thy Lejren in Danish) where they can get really cheap hash.. I usually just get standard hash where i live, so i had to try some black nepal and it taste good.. Well have to finish off the blunt and watch a movie.. Peace!
Im bored, didnt find any movie to watch.. So just took a little picture of a piece of the hash, cut it in small pieces and saved the rest of it for now

Nice pics dude.. I had the Hp Photosmart 635, just got a new Kodak Eazyshare Z700.
Cool i'll try to check up on that movie..

Cool Andrew, is your new Kodak good? Cause like i said before, im looking for a good camera (but not to expensive) and have no idea what i should get..
nice pics i dont think i ever smoked hash
Thanks.. go smoke some hash then AJ :) Is it hard to get hash in the states since you havent smoked it before?

Just a small joint from rest of the mix i had yesterday..

Nice pics dude, and yeah the Kodak is pretty good surprisingly. It's a 4.0 MPX with 5X optical zoom, so it gets the job done with my bud porn too lol.
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