Day 15 (From soak in water)
Temperature: Max 28.4, Min 16.7 (Night time)
Humidity: looks to be settled at about 40%
Water: Watered all the newly transplanted plants. PH was 6.0 due to adding first batch of nutes. Time to invest in some kinda of water storage thing. Taking Pigeons420 advice in that department.
Nutrients: Added half of the recommended nutes in my Shogun plan. So that was Katana Roots (2.5mL/L) and Samurai Coco A & B (1mL/L) again the seam to react well.
Actions: Repotted the remaining plants and avoiding the temptation to cull 2. Will get down to 4 plants in the end.
The plants looked to like the new found space. The 3 sick amigos also liked the new soil and started to regain shape and full green colour. So that led me to believe that Blaze was right and they was lacking nutrients due to the 60/40 compound soil and as I was having to water daily I was maybe flushing the nutrients out of the soil. (By no means know that true or not but that's my thinking)
One of the 3 sick amigos.
The runt that very nearly got the chop.
Still happy with the progress, learning so much everyday. Thanks all at 420
RM's First Grow - Unknown Seeds