Ripe1 Grow2 Lunar Planting NYC Turbo Diesel & Cheese CFL & LED In Soil

I think that's a very reasonable explanation if it spits water. It's not the vapor itself which has no salt in it. Also, you don't need to put salt in the water to make it boil, it just makes it boil at a higher temp.

From some random google search:

Adding salt to water disrupts the bonds between water molecules and slightly raises the temperature at which the water will boil. At standard atmospheric pressure, the change in the boiling point is insignificant, amounting to approximately 0.555 degrees Fahrenheit, or 0.04 degrees Celsius. When impurities like salt are added to the water, the water molecules are forced further apart and can move about more freely, making it easier for the water to be converted to steam. The impurities improve the conductivity of the electrical current, but the impurity does not necessarily have to be salt, which is why some manufacturers recommend adding baking soda instead of salt or advise that if your tap water is "hard," adding salt is not necessary for the unit to function efficiently.

Turn that sucker around to face away from the babies!
I think that's a very reasonable explanation if it spits water. It's not the vapor itself which has no salt in it. Also, you don't need to put salt in the water to make it boil, it just makes it boil at a higher temp.

From some random google search:

Turn that sucker around to face away from the babies!

Word Brotha! I am pretty sure it was the 4th that I moved that thing as at first, I thought it could be the vapor itself burning them if it wasn't the light. It was neither. It was boiling hot water spitting on them. So are you saying there isn't salt in the vapor? You confused me on this part... "It's not the vapor itself which has no salt in it." (Ripe1 stares at the Shed with wonder and Awe as he waits for the meaning of life to be revealed!) I off for some pics! Be back soon.
Day 12! I have to say, I fell very triumphant after solving the case of "The Mysterious Brown Ass Leaves"! If you look and think long enough, the truth will come. And Truth comes in numbers! The plants are doing fine today. The humidifier has been point directly at the fan that is in turn pointed at the plants instead of both being point directly at the plants. They are looking a bit dry on the top, have since yesterday afternoon. I'll wait until the morning to water as other folks were telling me I was over watering, I don't think so, but let's see what happens. I brought the light back down a bit, and when I did I saw...

What some plants in here call Day 12, others call Day1!










Word Brotha! I am pretty sure it was the 4th that I moved that thing as at first, I thought it could be the vapor itself burning them if it wasn't the light. It was neither. It was boiling hot water spitting on them. So are you saying there isn't salt in the vapor? You confused me on this part... "It's not the vapor itself which has no salt in it." (Ripe1 stares at the Shed with wonder and Awe as he waits for the meaning of life to be revealed!) I off for some pics! Be back soon.

Salt remains in the water and pure steam is created (this is a vaporizer, not a humidifier). That's how distilled water is made. Boil it and only H2O comes off and all impurities are left behind.

The babies look good now that we know the burned leaves are a one-off. I have no idea about the droopy one so try different things on it. More water/less water mostly. If the leaves feel thin and papery it's too dry, if they feel floppy and heavy their too wet. I think!
I think I pulled on the roots when I removed the straw from the stem. We'll see how it goes. I will give away or kill 6 of these so, we have some room. I'm not doing this many seeds again. A pure lack of foresight on my part. No lights or space for this many. I just wanted options for good females. Somehow I need to find who those are and rid the rest. Also I realized that feminized seeds are cheaper than soil for 10 seeds. Noted for next time. Se fellas, I'm learning here., the hard way but I am!
A question remains, today is a good transplant day as far as where the moon is, Libra. Some say the moon is in Virgo, my tracking app says the moon is in Libra. The thing is, it is recommended to transplant when the Moon is waxing. It is waning until the 16th, the New Moon, no work should be done this day. The most favorable day would be on the 18th, when the moon will be 5% waxing and in Pisces, the same sign they were planted in. What do you think?
Oh for God's Sake Shed! That is some funny shit right there! The I-Ching! The signs and planets are part of it. I think bio-dynamics is sort of a better term for the grow. This is why I haven't been able to be on here as much lately, studying the principles of bio-dynamics and trying to make sense of it all. You can get don to bee-keeping with it and wine too. Astronomy has always been a weak spot for me. I do own a couple telescopes after all.
I completely support you in your quest for managing the grow in relation to the alignment of the stars, but I have nothing to offer on the subject except skepticism and sarcasm. I hope that's okay!
Wat? Plants don't know if the moon is in Virgo or Libra any better than the app or those that say one way or the other. I think it's one thing to say your going with a lunar grow, but if this is an astrological grow then you might as well be throwing the I-ching to decide!

Up-pot when the plant tells you to.
I will find the article. They actually do. Even indoor plants.... hence my ramblings about lunar cycles. The signs of astrology have been adapted to correspond to the lunar cycle. And again there is experimental evidence.

If you harvest plants for centuries under the light of the full moon, they adapt to thrive in sync with the lunar phases.
I completely support you in your quest for managing the grow in relation to the alignment of the stars, but I have nothing to offer on the subject except skepticism and sarcasm. I hope that's okay!

That's fine with me. I have to admit to a certain amount of both myself, but to bring any sort of my own data, I need to stick to what has been outlined for the study. What makes sense in it to me is that I believe our solar system and universe are highly dependent on each part being there. Our solar system would not be the same if a planet or a single moon were missing. Short form bringing it home we are all one. In some form, the energy that Mercury or Jupiter put off has some effect on the whole. For some reason, gardeners long ago took notice and here we are today, seeing if they are full of shit.
Like I said, I understand the "pull" of the moon. It's once you move to the stars that you lose me. Can't help there. Astrology, homeopathy, tea leaves...if they make you a better person though, that's great!
Oh shits hocus pocus to me. I think I'm a Scorpio though? ..

All I was trying to explain is that for whatever reason they use astrological symbols to divide the phase of the moon. Which makes no sense to me because the sun's positioning in a constellation has ZERO correlation to the moon. Or at least from where I'm standing. But if it's supposed to help my yield I'll try anything hahaha.
I may be a blasphemer but as I recall you're a heretic!

That's it I'm calling a priest! I thought we were all sermon attending religious folk here.
By the way, welcome TheMadDabber! :welcome: I am happy you are here! You should enjoy the ride, there is no shortage of drama in my journals. It will be nice to have somebody else here to work out the kinks in my grow with Shed and I.
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