Day 49!!! DECISION 2018!
Hey 420'ers! I have a two part update for you. First I want to show the girls as a whole. Have a look at how they look from above, height, width, vigor etc... Then I am going to post more individual pics. It is time for the final 4! Just in time for March Madness! I know this is more of a personal preference thing, but
if they were yours, what would you do (more topping, transplant now, next week, throw them all out???) who would you keep and why? I am thinking NYCTD1&4 & the Cheeses have me stumped. Cheese 5 is just a bushy bastard! Thin stems though. I put her in front of the fan to help her bulk a little in that dept. Cheese 1&2 (which are reversed labeled on the iPad markup, my fault) Look nearly identical. They are training about the same. Cheese1 is just a bit wider than Cheese2. They both were hit equally when the dick sniffles came to visit the tent. Everyone seems to be pretty much over whatever it was.
Bugs are few and far between since the Lady Birds came. It is so calming to know that besides Need, DE, SNS203&209, those Lady Bugs are constantly patrolling and eating! The sprays are kind of passive while the beetles are as active as you can be! There are still at least 50 in there. I'll order more next week. I think I'll grow with them forever now and highly recommend it to you too. They are so cheap!
No real signs of Septoria on new growth. There are some new leaves that have a bit of yellow on them, but so far, nothing to "bug" myself with. I keep saying whatever is or was wrong with them, they just keep outgrowing it. I never sprayed SNS 244 the other night. I want to see what is really happening. If one or more of them has Septoria, and it wasn't cured by the Neem and dropping the humidity, I want to know now. I need room in there, leaves are touching again and it is time to make a plan on the next batch of transplants, tops & ScroG.
So....! Please answer these questions from your own preferences;
1.) Who would you keep and why?
2.)When to transplant, Top and ScroG®?
Concerning Topping and ScroG®-ging- I have 5, 3 gallon pots, and 10, 7 gallon pots, and all the fixings for Roosters ScroG®.
3.) Should I go from the 1 gallon straight to 7 since I want to ScroG®?
3b.) Is it better to go to the 3-5-7 and the put the Scrog® up? If it helps, I have a soft goal of mid to end May harvest. Mid June at the latest.
Cheese flowers for 8-10 weeks and New York City Turbo Diesel flowers for 10-12 Weeks, according to AMS of course. March 8th is when we need flowering to be established to finish May 31.