Rider509: Two Thais & G13

Studies show a little higher resin production when exposed to UV-B, I also read that UV-A has positive effects on plants.
The problem with using UV is that it tears plastic which is photodegradeable, so it has to be used with care and one should not have anything held by white strip ties in the growroom ;)
UV can effect plastic but it usually takes quite a bit more UV than we would see here, and time. There are also zip ties that have a an anti UV additive. Your totally correct, but it would take a little while.

I used to work for Philips where we made Mercury Xenon lamps for UV exposure testing. Here is a picture of a 10000watt lamp used as a spot. I'm also a third generation Plastic Injection Mold Maker. I'm not throwing stones... just saying
UV can effect plastic but it usually takes quite a bit more UV than we would see here, and time. There are also zip ties that have a an anti UV additive. Your totally correct, but it would take a little while.

I used to work for Philips where we made Mercury Xenon lamps for UV exposure testing. Here is a picture of a 10000watt lamp used as a spot. I'm also a third generation Plastic Injection Mold Maker. I'm not throwing stones... just saying
If you want to increase UV take the protective glass panel out of your light. If it has one.

If you are using a bulb with two envelopes... 2 walls at the bulb area like a CMH. UV will greatly increase as glass decreases the UV strength by quite a bit. BUT, that amount is very dangerous...
Oh yeah... the picture
Correct but maybe I wasn't totally clear. I wouldn't use them for Emerson effect. But to add the missing deep red and far red to increase photosynthesis or whatever you claimed having the reds in conjunction with the visable spectrum would offer...

And they emit a lot of IR so the cooling of am incandescent bulb after lights out should offer a small blip of Emerson effect, No?

I'm having a "lightbulb moment" over here rider quit peeing on my campfire!

Haha, I'll try to not pee in your campfire but you have to stop moving it into the stream, cuz ya see, adding deep red and far red to increase photosynthesis IS the Emerson Effect. The use of 730nm far red after lights out is a different kind of duck.
Oops I'm a terminology-tard! I guess I crossed your stream there huh?

Is it proven how much of that deep and far red is needed to have a noticable effect?
Oops I'm a terminology-tard! I guess I crossed your stream there huh?

Is it proven how much of that deep and far red is needed to have a noticable effect?


I'm sure it's documented somewhere but I don't know. Sometimes it feels like we're just chasing ghosts when we try to tweak things for optimum results.
UV can effect plastic but it usually takes quite a bit more UV than we would see here, and time. There are also zip ties that have a an anti UV additive. Your totally correct, but it would take a little while.

Plain black ties would be fine for many years, just noticed the white/transparent ones go brittle and break when used outdoors, how fast depends on how thick they are but with the small ones it only takes a year or two for them to go brittle, then of course they do need some force to break ;)
Plain black ties would be fine for many years, just noticed the white/transparent ones go brittle and break when used outdoors, how fast depends on how thick they are but with the small ones it only takes a year or two for them to go brittle, then of course they do need some force to break ;)
You're absolutely right.
For what it's worth, this is a time lapse sequence from Jan 1 to the 24th. It's kinda wonky because of my intervention with yoyos and repositioning branches. At one point you can see the plant on the right take a big dip because it was trying to fall over and I had to right it. The cool part is seeing the buds swell over the last week and some of them start to droop under the weight.

I'm surprised you could get in there to take a pic without getting stuck!
Not when he's in his Walter white suit and lubed up
Rider509 - Two Thais & G13

I'm surprised you could get in there to take a pic without getting stuck!

Sometimes I live life on the edge. Tempt fate. Laugh in the face of death.


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