Rider’s Final Grow: GCG BOEL Skunk x JohnnyD, aka Thaibodian Skunk

Wow, nice set up!
Thank you, Deketx. It came together over several grows, always with an eye to making things easier.
Are you going to use the red pucks and flip at 14/10 like last time? If you do you should really do another explainer on how that works. Or at least copy and paste it from the old journal.

I'm sure folks would be interested in that technique!
That’s a good idea, Shed. Maybe you can remind me what the hell I did. I don’t remember!
Rereading the Two Thais and G13 journal brought back memories I didn’t know I’d lost. I built a glycol-based res chiller? I remember that I’d calculated the thermal dynamics of the RDWC system in my sleep but I attributed that memory to determining the size of the commercial chiller to buy. And the far red light thing? They were still set up on the lights but I had no idea what the hell they were for. That’s the workings of an ADD/obsessive mind. I lose myself in a project and when it’s over I don’t think about it again. Ask me about my research to determine the most efficacious method of concentrating platelets in plasma. That was a real nerd trip. At least I documented it all for publication. Body piercer by day, mad scientist by night.

And if this was three plants in that space imagine what it’ll be like with six if they are all female. I need a drink.

Interesting info on the far reds, I had skimmed through some info once before when I stumbled upon it but never seen anyone actually put it to work. I had a look at the links shed provided, good info there. Something else to look into if I get bored, but that hasn't happened lately lol
Day 1 of flip:
Temp increased to 80F
CO2 increased to 800ppm
Lights to 800ppfd at canopies
Humidity at 55%, and can’t be increased without extra expense.
Nutes unchanged at 1000ppm, res change planned for Day 2.
Interesting info on the far reds, I had skimmed through some info once before when I stumbled upon it but never seen anyone actually put it to work. I had a look at the links shed provided, good info there. Something else to look into if I get bored, but that hasn't happened lately lol
I’ve used it to good effect to be able to run 14/10 during flower in the past but this time I’m going to stick with 12/12 with the far red. I’m staying with mainstream thinking on this grow, and am also going to let nature take its course with minimal physical intervention aside from supercropping if needed. At least that’s the plan! LOL
I’ve used it to good effect to be able to run 14/10 during flower in the past but this time I’m going to stick with 12/12 with the far red. I’m staying with mainstream thinking on this grow, and am also going to let nature take its course with minimal physical intervention aside from supercropping if needed. At least that’s the plan! LOL
Alright glad to have you back @Rider509. Thanks for making your way back around and I hope your good.
I gathered a ton of information from you and @Scrogdawg when I set out to grow hydro and it was basically the two of you I followed and developed my baseline from as I was a soil grower before.
I forgot how clean you run from the grow to the wiring it’s just all so perfect.
Do you still have the tyvek suit lmao.

Play safe and enjoy brother glad to have ya back
Do you still have the tyvek suit lmao.

Play safe and enjoy brother glad to have ya back
I do! But I’m really hoping not to need it. That grow was an out of control monster.
It’s good to be back and I’m glad you’re still here. Talked to Scrogdawg a few days ago and Tunkers is still doing what Tunkers does. They’re both well. I’m looking forward to GT popping back in after his move. I’m going to have to jump in your journals and catch up on what you’ve been up to.
Do another grow they said. It’ll be fun they said. *groan*

Here are the girls in the rooting box on March 27th. So cute and innocent.

And here they are on April 11, just two weeks later. All tall and gangly like teenagers.

Since girls always give you the most grief the two in the middle will probably be the only females in the bunch. That’d be ok but I see lots of work with those two. Thank god for yoyos.
The growth rate has been amazing. We’re off to a good start. Woo hoo!

Wowzers.. Amazing growth you have going on. Great job!
Watching this makes me strive more to get my humidity issues under control for next winter. One thing for sure is my summer time hydro grows should fair out ok lol.
Thanks guys! I’m thinking this is going to be another wild ride.

Wowzers.. Amazing growth you have going on. Great job!
Watching this makes me strive more to get my humidity issues under control for next winter. One thing for sure is my summer time hydro grows should fair out ok lol.
It all comes down to the growing environment and humidity is one of the key players. Cannabis grows best in warm humid environments, and keeping the temp and humidity working in concert to keep the VPD in the ideal range makes it happy.

i know I said in the OP that I wasn’t going to change anything but I bought a big ultrasonic humidifier capable of taking the grow room to 80%, and I’m modifying the air conditioner to pull exhaust air from outside the grow room to keep more of the CO2 where I want it. My goal is to grow at 85F and 70%rH for a VPD of 1.2ish, and with a ppfd of around 1200 and CO2 concentrations around 1000ppm. It’s the last dance so might as well get out on the floor, right? LOL
I had the grow room open for about an hour after lights on but I’m getting the conditions dialed in for flower. Everything is on track so far. Fingers crossed it stays that way.

I flipped this little girl too. It was started the same time as the rest but she never got to swim in the big girl’s pool. This plant has been subject to environmental abuse and only 150ppfd lighting, and it’s not going to get any better. It’s kinda like a closet grow a complete noob would try. I should at least move it to a proper netpot with hydroton though.
So... think it’ll flower?

I flipped this little girl too. It was started the same time as the rest but she never got to swim in the big girl’s pool. This plant has been subject to environmental abuse and only 150ppfd lighting, and it’s not going to get any better. It’s kinda like a closet grow a complete noob would try. I should at least move it to a proper netpot with hydroton though.
So... think it’ll flower?
Should net a joint or two! I think one of mine is also stunted. It's going to be fun seeing what happens!
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