Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Rider’s Final Grow: GCG BOEL Skunk x JohnnyD, aka Thaibodian Skunk

These pics are from a few days ago. It’s nice to see the flowers stacking. And I’ve decided that in order to recoup some of the expenses of this grow I’m going to sell off the logging rights. Have you seen the price of lumber? Imma be rich!


Do 420Mag memebers get a discount on said lumber? :laughtwo:

It's super expensive here in Canada as well right now. A sheet of 1/2" plywood is like $80. I think 2x4x8 stud went from around $3 to 5 or 6.
Random thought... would light from under the plant be beneficial? We know that side lighting works. Some people grow tomatoes upside down, right? I have eight spare 3950 lights and wondered if anyone has ever tried this. I didn’t have any luck searching the forum.
I think that when push comes to shove. Or, in my case laziness to put up a net.
You walk into your flower room and gravity has caused all buds to be staring at the floor!


I gave up trying to get them all back in place.
Update: Stardate 2021.05.21
After neglecting my plants horribly for almost three weeks I decided a res change was due. Ok… overdue. They are sucking up about 6gal/day and the nute strength dropped below 600ppm. That’s total nute strength, not just nutrients proper. If one or more hermie due to the stress I’ll know which clones I don’t want to propagate to seed.

I’m thinking that I’m mid-flower with about two months to go.
I gave them a good flush with 80 gallons of fresh water, then refilled the 40gal system, to which I added:
250ml Mendocino Flowering Cal-Mag (0 nitrogen), 200ppm
1.5 tsp fulvic acid, 0ppm
100gm micro, 360ppm
100gm grow, 300ppm
100gm bloom, 240ppm
pH up to 5.6pH, 20ppm
The beginning water was at 220ppm, for a total of 1340ppm.

A couple of plants were showing obvious signs of N deficiency but are on the bounce back. Buds are stacking nicely and it’s a constant battle using yo-yos to keep the branches from falling over or breaking. They look good and smell even better, and they’re getting so sticky it’s time to press the white Tyvek oversuit into service.


Looking nice! For being neglected.
Figured if we haven't heard from you by this weekend. I'd get a deep jungle extraction team together......... for a resupply mission of yo-yo's and Captain Morgan. :rofl:
Hey rider. Glad to see things are still pumping along, even if you did get a little neglectful. Our lives get busy at times and sometimes we fall behind on the things we need to at least keep up on, I know this first hand from this week. Dealing with hermies, building a spot for them, working side jobs, then just got a new job Thursday, so I'm all over the place and my grow is unfortunately showing it. So busy I overlooked a light leak, which caused the hermies. But you got this under control, a little underfeeding wasn't going to kill them at least. They still look wonderful and those buds are packing in nicely! I hope all is well my friend!

Looking nice! For being neglected.
Figured if we haven't heard from you by this weekend. I'd get a deep jungle extraction team together......... for a resupply mission of yo-yo's and Captain Morgan. :rofl:
Don't forget to get us some tyvek suits and machetes while your picking up supplies, we may need them. And extra captain! :laughtwo:
Agreed, Shed. It was a combination of being lazy and justifying the stress to weed out the weak.

Furcifer and Dick, it’s nice to know someone is looking out! Thanks guys!
Not sure if anyone is interested (@Furcifer :)) but the clones I took during flower are coming along nicely. So much for this being my final grow! LOL. I’ve got to grow these up, take more clones from veg, then self them for seeds. Believe me when I say I’m going to flip them MUCH earlier this time. And then I’m looking forward to growing a Purple Beast or two. A purple jungle!


Haha, hell yea I'm interested! You have got to keep that strain around. And, let her weed it's way to my grow area! :high-five:

The Purple Beast came down yesterday along with the massive cookies plant. A week or so will tell if her pollination was a success.
Last plant I pollinated 2 branches and ended up with about 250 viable seeds. So... this time I only pollinated 2 branches. :hmmmm: ......:p
The transition one is going to go for at least another week...seeds are developing nicely!

Shed… :laugh::laugh::laugh:
I flipped these waaaayyy earlier than last time! Can I help it if they keep exploding upwards? You’d think they were crossed with Jack’s beanstalk. Next time I’m flipping them when I see the third node. LOL.
Buds are stacking like crazy now. Other than two supercrops and using Yo-Yos to hold the weight this grow is unmolested. No trimming, no tucking. Before it’s over I expect I’ll need more Yo-Yos though. I’m not sure if it’s something I did, or if this is just the way these plants grow, but they have long thin stems that can’t hold the weight.

Monkey in the midst.

Buds are stacking nicely.
The sucky thing is I don’t know what I’m going to do with this harvest. There’s way more than I need and I can’t sell it or even give it away. It used to be that you could donate to medical dispensaries but those all went away when it was made legal recreationally. Conundrum.

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