Return Of The Skunk

So, this makes complete sense. I'm probably 10 years or so behind you in age and was buying weed before skunk, probably strains like Northern Lights, Afghani, etc... Strains that had a pleasant "dollar bill" smell.. (hard to explain, but the smell of a dollar bill is the best I can come up with..)

When skunk hit the streets, people liked it due to its potency and effects. Times were different back then and any weed was good weed. Whatever your dealer had, you bought. Skunk was NOT our first choice back then and many of us missed the sweet pleasant smell of good Sinsemilla. When our dealers told us they had skunk, we reluctantly bought it. It was one notch up from brown mexican dirt weed which we bought during dry times.

I'm one of the old school smokers that remembers this very well. Today's stains are obviously influenced greatly (genetically) by skunk, and I'm not a big fan. Luckily, you can choose between 100's of nice smelling strains today, and I'm always looking for strains that are less skunky, just my personal preference from an old time smoker.

Get yourself some really well grown Northern Lights cured perfectly. I'm telling you you'll understand what I'm saying. Its such a pleasant smell! And you can walk around with it in your pocket without smelling like a skunk orgy.

All joking aside, skunk is an intersting odor and I can understand why many dont mind it (or have developed a love for it)... I had a Spanish teacher from South America that commented that she didnt know what a skunk was and thought people were brewing good coffee.. Wherever she came from, they didnt have wild skunks, but she loved the smell !

Side note: My name OG Sinse was made with this in mind. I love the old sweet smelling classic buds ! Lovely picture by the way, that bud looks amazing. I

I feel Northern Lights & White Widow kinda dominated the market after the skunks here.. but well our weed culture here was very much tied to what was available in the Dutch border area.

It's also been years since I smoked a regular skunk or super skunk as I've been growing this bigbud/skunk combo for over a decade now when I need some potent smelling buds and well the aroma of this thing is outstanding, rich & complex, and it's very herb & flower forward but yes also dank skunky.. yeah I'm very much in love with it.. it's got that mystique smell yeah yeah like you're getting close to the orgy tent 😆 it will change the ambience, if you blaze it up a bell chimes and a Sitar starts playing within that thick lingering cloud. :theband:

And flavour, every drag is a whole terpene ride.. and you go hmm and oh several times on the way in and out as all kind of different spice notes get sampled by the olfactories.. but I feel those are kinda classic notes as in the end it's all very herbal and earthy. It's just concentrated, like sticking your head in a big bush of thyme or sage, that will overwhelm the nose as well to the point where it becomes pungent and sour.
I'm mainly impressed by the freshness it retains after curing or hash making as that will surprise anyone with its taste as I've had a lot of hash snobs go hmm interesting what's that?
It's also an amazing grower, outside she turns into a giant kilo plant and I would say outside she picks up even more spice & herbal flavours, and inside she doesn't mind high stress training at all.
And when it comes to effect, Like I kinda bought and tried that Malawi and flowered it for over 14 weeks! because it promised a psychedelic high in the marketing blurb, but I feel this strain comes a lot closer to delivering that promise as it brings that trance like hazy slumber that creeps across your eyes and brain and pulls you in like you're about to pop off to inner space, I had none of that with the Malawi, that kept me fresh and alert high, nothing funkadelic about it :)

So yeah I got nothing bad to say about skunk heritage. immafan
I feel Northern Lights & White Widow kinda dominated the market after the skunks here.. but well our weed culture here was very much tied to what was available in the Dutch border area.

It's also been years since I smoked a regular skunk or super skunk as I've been growing this bigbud/skunk combo for over a decade now when I need some potent smelling buds and well the aroma of this thing is outstanding, rich & complex, and it's very herb & flower forward but yes also dank skunky.. yeah I'm very much in love with it.. it's got that mystique smell yeah yeah like you're getting close to the orgy tent 😆 it will change the ambience, if you blaze it up a bell chimes and a Sitar starts playing within that thick lingering cloud. :theband:

And flavour, every drag is a whole terpene ride.. and you go hmm and oh several times on the way in and out as all kind of different spice notes get sampled by the olfactories.. but I feel those are kinda classic notes as in the end it's all very herbal and earthy. It's just concentrated, like sticking your head in a big bush of thyme or sage, that will overwhelm the nose as well to the point where it becomes pungent and sour.
I'm mainly impressed by the freshness it retains after curing or hash making as that will surprise anyone with its taste as I've had a lot of hash snobs go hmm interesting what's that?
It's also an amazing grower, outside she turns into a giant kilo plant and I would say outside she picks up even more spice & herbal flavours, and inside she doesn't mind high stress training at all.
And when it comes to effect, Like I kinda bought and tried that Malawi and flowered it for over 14 weeks! because it promised a psychedelic high in the marketing blurb, but I feel this strain comes a lot closer to delivering that promise as it brings that trance like hazy slumber that creeps across your eyes and brain and pulls you in like you're about to pop off to inner space, I had none of that with the Malawi, that kept me fresh and alert high, nothing funkadelic about it :)

So yeah I got nothing bad to say about skunk heritage. immafan

Strains had no names when I was younger, but its pretty cool that you remember Northern Lights and White Widow after skunk, I was away for a lot of this. To be honest, I'm not sure what strains the old school Sinsemilla was way back when..

Coming from way back in the late 70's and 80's gives me a very different perspective than most. Some of the strains like Northern Lights might be considered mid's to today's smokers, but to me they are amazing. I'd love to try White Widow, another old school classic that I have a feeling I would like. (I tried to grow it but it was high in odor even in veg)..

Thanks for the review of bigbud/skunk etc... I've had my eyes on Big bud crosses, they seem to use big bud often.

White Widow by me, taken down due to skunky odor early veg !

Strains had no names when I was younger, but its pretty cool that you remember Northern Lights and White Widow after skunk, I was away for a lot of this. To be honest, I'm not sure what strains the old school Sinsemilla was way back when..

Coming from way back in the late 70's and 80's gives me a very different perspective than most. Some of the strains like Northern Lights might be considered mid's to today's smokers, but to me they are amazing. I'd love to try White Widow, another old school classic that I have a feeling I would like. (I tried to grow it but it was high in odor even in veg)..

Thanks for the review of bigbud/skunk etc... I've had my eyes on Big bud crosses, they seem to use big bud often.

White Widow by me, taken down due to skunky odor early veg !


ooh too bad.. axed for being skunky tsss
Yeah some plants will do that, the stems and leaves already smell like crazy when they're just a couple of weeks old.
I usually take that as a good sign and rub my hands in anticipation of what the buds must be like.
But if that's such a problem for you I don't know many strains that would be suitable, yeah that Ace Malawi should be interesting as that was remarkably mild & non weed scenting when growing and flowering, more like sandalwood with a drop of lavender.. and you pretty much had to shove the bud in your nostril to get a good whiff so that could be a good candidate.

That's the only one in the past decade that I grew that was noticeably very different smell wise.
But I might also be very biased as when shopping I do usually skip strains that have an extra mention of low odour in their text so I'm not gonna encounter many of those as well I do want to grow danky weed, and well I think if it smells strong chances are a lot of the taste should survive the burn.
Can't you double up on the carbon filter or get an odour munching gel or something?

I guess Bigbud is used as it's an easy way to big buds :) the leaf to bud ratio is pretty excellent you don't have to grow much plant to grow a lot of bud.

ooh too bad.. axed for being skunky tsss
Yeah some plants will do that, the stems and leaves already smell like crazy when they're just a couple of weeks old.
I usually take that as a good sign and rub my hands in anticipation of what the buds must be like.
But if that's such a problem for you I don't know many strains that would be suitable, yeah that Ace Malawi should be interesting as that was remarkably mild & non weed scenting when growing and flowering, more like sandalwood with a drop of lavender.. and you pretty much had to shove the bud in your nostril to get a good whiff so that could be a good candidate.

That's the only one in the past decade that I grew that was noticeably very different smell wise.
But I might also be very biased as when shopping I do usually skip strains that have an extra mention of low odour in their text so I'm not gonna encounter many of those as well I do want to grow danky weed, and well I think if it smells strong chances are a lot of the taste should survive the burn.
Can't you double up on the carbon filter or get an odour munching gel or something?

I guess Bigbud is used as it's an easy way to big buds :) the leaf to bud ratio is pretty excellent you don't have to grow much plant to grow a lot of bud.


Ohh man, don't let the low odor thing stop you ! I've grown Durban Poison, Northern Lights and both strains are absolutely amazing, especially Northern Lights. If I was stranded on a island and had one choice for a strain, Northern Lights without a question. It's almost the perfect strain if you ask me.

I get you though man, many love the super dank skunky smells or have grown to love them. I'm the odd man out here loving the less stinky strains.

Side note: Not a single smell at all with Durban Poison and Northern Lights throughout the entire veg. Its wasn't until around week 6 flower that they both started to get smelly. I cant imagine how bad that White Widow would have been if I let it flower.
I remember in the 90's when skunk was the one to chase as it was different and strong compared to a lot of random stuff getting around at the time.
Since then many strains and varieties have emerged thanks to Skunk.
It was successful at the time because it was different and stinky and most smokers associated it with getting blown out and a sure thing.
It also looked good which was also a selling point.
In my experience many smokers wanted something different and Skunk set the popular bench mark and new comers that hadn't really explored other strains and varieties would adapt Skunk as the norm.
I knew many people that would poo who other stuff because it wasn't smelly, sticky, large and dense.
Skunk revolutionise the many types of varieties etc we have today.
I like it and had one last season in my back garden but it really stunk out the neighbourhood especially at night.
But in saying all this Northern lights, Jack Heier, White Widow are fantastic varieties and have a more refined pleasant smell and flavour which are still strong but not as bare balls harsh like traditional Skunk.
But in saying all this Northern lights, Jack Heier, White Widow are fantastic varieties and have a more refined pleasant smell and flavour which are still strong but not as bare balls harsh like traditional Skunk.
Yeah I guess it was the main thing around when I started so yeah that skunk flavour is probably engrained in my system.
I don't mind the ballsy taste at all cause so much stuff tastes timid in comparison to me.
So if you know of any crazy skunk tasting strains send them my way.

All this talk about old weed...but NL and WW have nothing to do with some skunk. And for yous, across the pond....nobody has said shit about cheese? Exodus cheese is from skunk #1, and just as legendary as the latter.

Cheese is definitely interesting and indeed a crazy tasting skunk pheno, it has an interesting smell when it burns and when you drag it's a pretty full on experience and engages the olfactory senses in a very peculiar way with that cheese funk. Kinda if Cilantro would smell & taste of cheese as it goes up the nose and takes over and shimmers on top on the palate in a similar way.
I kinda like it because it's such an experience but I kinda would need something else to alternate it with, not as a daily driver.
It's also a pretty divisive flavour, I have one friend who really loves cheese and smokes nothing else and I think those joints are tasty but there's others who will just outright decline them.
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