RetiredOLDGuy's 1st Indoor Tent Grow With Feminized Seeds

So far, my girls seem to be fairing well. I'm at bloom day #4, overall day 53 for my grow. I'm curious, how often do you give them nutes during the bloom phase? Any advice would be appreciated.
Well there's a couple different ways to approach that. I'm feeding with every watering but I know my soil is nearly, if not completely, depleted. The bulk I'm running seems to crave a lot of cal/mag and a heavy eater in general. Your girls look good, maybe a little light in color if my eyes are seeing it right. I would try every other watering and see how that does. If the tips of the leaves start to show burn then adjust accordingly. In my opinion no one will be able to tell you for sure because the answer is mostly strain dependent. Just keep tabs on your PH level and you should be good.
Beleaf, you have a healthy crop going, i'm jealous. Mine seem to be stretching but I'm only in day 5 of the bloom cycle. I am doing some leaf trimming but trying not to be too anxious.
Typically, how long into the bloom cycle should I start seeing some bud development?
Beleaf, you have a healthy crop going, i'm jealous. Mine seem to be stretching but I'm only in day 5 of the bloom cycle. I am doing some leaf trimming but trying not to be too anxious.
Typically, how long into the bloom cycle should I start seeing some bud development?

Thanks! I usually start seeing pistols around 9 days give or take.
Well, it bloom day 24. I've been feeding them every other day and it appears the Purple Kush is about 2 weeks ahead of the other 2 plants. Luckily, it appears that everything is progressing normal.
Well, it's bloom day 47, the purple kush is at least 2 weeks ahead of the white cookie and green crack plants. I see changes in the leaves of all 3 plants, hopefully, that's to be expected.
These pics were taken on 12/24 which was day 53 of the bloom cycle. I think I'm at the point where I should start flushing the Purple Kush. The white cookie and green crack seem to need about 2-4 weeks before I begin to think about flushing. Hopefully, someone may be able to give me some guidance based on the pics.
Hope all is well in your world.

How did this grow turn out?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

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I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

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