Retired from the UBC, no more drug tests - Need help with outdoor, in ground grow


420 Member
High folks from central Illinois. This is my second year growing outside behind the shed. 6 babies-3 blue dream-2 gold leaf, and one mystery. The two GL are 8-10 feet and have been flowering for a little over a month, BD are 6-7 feet same flowering time, and the mystery about 6ft and 5 weeks flowering. Very fertile soil here and composted all winter applied miracle grow twice. The mystery had some brown buds that I removed. Questions: The lower buds on my GL pistols turned brown? Should I defoliate more? Very humid and hot lately. Thanks for any help and stay chilly.



Welcome to 420 Magazine @Calhounkid

Nice looking plant, but I hate to be a bearer of bad news, but you high humidity may be giving you bud rot. See what other think.
What type of nutrient line are you using?

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Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Tok.. :bong:

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yeah that's bud rot. i hope conditions dry up a bit for you or you get some wind cause it will take the whole crop out.
So what I do is check every day and bring my trimming scissors. When i see a piece of rot i carefully cut that nug out and get it away fro the area. Not in the compost but the trash! Dampness and tiny moth worm babies are doing it. Bt spray during the season can help.
Okay, sounds good. I haven't seen any mold or mildew at all, just these brown leaves. Been spraying with h2o2 and drenched with water today. Removed all branches except top 3rd, trimmed and will use for edibles? In the middle of 3 weeks of lots of sun, 80s, and 0 rain. Colas looking stout on two with no brown buds. 3rd has brown buds plentiful, small spots in cola. Was thinking about harvesting that one? I sure appreciate all your help, if your ever in central Illinois I would certainly smoke ya down. DW



all that brown bud has had it. lots of rot in the second pic. you can't use that bud for anything. very possible it will make you ill.
Hey Bill, did you see my last post?
I didn't see anything close to ready for harvest. :Namaste:
The last pic, is there any balls in there?
Citric acid works well for rot.
Keep removing any you find.:thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I haven't seen any mold or mildew at all, just these brown leaves.
If you are talking about the small little leaves that are part of the buds then those look like Bud Rot.

The brown in the 2nd photo in the first msg is Bud Rot which is a mold. The brown in the photos in message #11 look like more Bud Rot. Even if the brown is just showing on the small leaves it looks like it has progressed enough that the buds have to come off. I did notice some brown starting to show up in the stem itself near some of the buds with the rot. When I see that any of that in one of my plants it is time to do some drastic cutting. If the rot comes back the plant goes....

If only the "mystery seed" plant has the brown and that plant continues show the rot coming back then it is time to remove it. Cut it off at ground level and toss it. Dig out the roots if that will not damage the other plant's root system; otherwise just be sure that the cut is close to ground level and that the stump does not sprout new leaves.

I did not notice any Powdery Mildew but was not really looking for any either. Just the mention of "...some brown buds..." in a message about flowering plants is enough to indicate a possible major problem, especially outdoor plants this time of year.
If you are talking about the small little leaves that are part of the buds then those look like Bud Rot.

The brown in the 2nd photo in the first msg is Bud Rot which is a mold. The brown in the photos in message #11 look like more Bud Rot. Even if the brown is just showing on the small leaves it looks like it has progressed enough that the buds have to come off. I did notice some brown starting to show up in the stem itself near some of the buds with the rot. When I see that any of that in one of my plants it is time to do some drastic cutting. If the rot comes back the plant goes....

If only the "mystery seed" plant has the brown and that plant continues show the rot coming back then it is time to remove it. Cut it off at ground level and toss it. Dig out the roots if that will not damage the other plant's root system; otherwise just be sure that the cut is close to ground level and that the stump does not sprout new leaves.

I did not notice any Powdery Mildew but was not really looking for any either. Just the mention of "...some brown buds..." in a message about flowering plants is enough to indicate a possible major problem, especially outdoor plants this time of year.
Thanks, cut all brown buds off at the main stem, the whole branch, sprayed the rest with h2o2. No rain or humidity for another week. Probably harvest after that. Thanks for the help, DW
No rain or humidity for another week. Probably harvest after that.
I am in southeast Michigan, just outside of Detroit so our start of flowering and weather is close to the same. I am not planning an any harvest until at least Oct 10th. Three and a half more weeks for me but if all goes right but I would like to go another week or two if all goes right so maybe the 17th depending on the way the trichomes look. Last year was Oct 8th because I noticed the infamous Bud Rot showing up in the main stack of buds.

Some of the others recommend to keep going until the buds have finished maturing, usually when the stigma/pistils turn a brown or red-brown color and shrink. It is up to you but in the end the Bud Rot is going to be the big factor like it will be for either of us and many other outdoor growers.

Good luck.
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