Resinator's first step grow

Resin, You are doing a fine job, the ladies are looking gooooooooooood.... Keep up the good work, Be patient when it comes to harvesting, The last two weeks can throw on some added weight and potency.... Nice Job Resin Man... RoorRip

:thankyou:BeIrie, but the move is imminent and i had to bring forward harvest time by 2 weeks but the next time there will be more of a science to my work with alot more knowhow. tnx again Bro
How much will it hurt the potency of your plants by cutting the grow 2 weeks short? I am moving also about 2 weeks before I should harvest and don't know if I should try to move it or just take it down a few weeks early.

:welcome: BigSmokie. the way i look at it is that i'd rather have it ready for when i'm leaving, i can always make things right next time round. moving them is not an option for me, its only 2 weeks the smoke will still be nice when dried and cured so long as you give a good flush. i gave an 8 day flush with 3 times the volume of the pots with ph adjusted water and molasses to 6.5. if that helps good luck:rollit:
Are the whitish buds the BB ?
I really love both those varieties. they look really nice. I havent tried either, but contemplating my next grow late fall and I am wanting to try something different...
You did a nice job. Hows the smoke?
Thanks for sharing your grow with us resinator

We've relocated this thread to our Completed Journals archive.

Best wishes on your future grows.

Much peace and respect from 420 Magazine to you ;)
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